Title: Chicago-Style: 50 Themes and Sentences on the Life and Times of a Straight-Edge Wrestler and the Boy Jew Wonder
nera_fiorePairing: CM Punk/Colt Cabana
Fandom: Professional wrestling (WWE and Ring of Honor)
Rating: PG-R
Theme set: Alpha
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't own
Summary: Title says it all. Written for the
1sentence challenge community :) Also,
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Comments 15
Are you gonna watch the ball drop in Times Square on New Years and be sad? Because I think that's what I'm gonna end up doing.
but, back to the fic! :D tee heeeee... I love them. I think it's crazy though that you like three that I don't particularly care for. I mean, I don't think they're bad - obviously - I've changed a few that I thought were bad before I posted - but...hmmm. Especially the phone one. It's lulzy but it does't seem to stand out in my mind XD -- my favorites are: #8 and #19.
EDIT: oh, and #12 because it just reminds me of me and you at the Museum of Sex XD and it came out so...perfectly XD
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-Colt :) Punk has a Sidekick. I know that Punk has a Sidekick because every time he's on the podcast (like, weekly) the Sidekick gets its own shout out, usually, lol. But yeah. The Blackberry is Colt's all the way.
-In bed as in, in his sleep? Or like, during sex? Either way, I'm sure it's happened. I'm a little more partial to it being said in his sleep though. UBER!INNOCENT!COLTON! <333 ( ... )
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4) This stands out a lot to me. Because I've said it before, CM Punk's soul is Colt Cabana, and to see him upset like that's really powerful.
7) The bluuuuuuuuuush <3 And the stuffed monkey strikes! Only Colt Cabana... (I hope it's the one that when you press it's hand, it sings 'Hooked on a Feeling', to be honest ( ... )
Those were all great really! nicely done for sure!
I'm so glad that 19 was one of your favorites! I was cracking up when I wrote it because it just pieced itself together to perfectly for the silliness. And yes, Colt turns into Mr. Butterfingers when Punk calls, heheh. 25, 26, 35, and 36 were all just fun to write! It proves that you can have some legit slash with some legit fun all at the same time, really. And yeah, the infamous 40 :D Colt's so innocent. Well. He was. And then yeah, 48 with him just kidding around? I love it. You know he'd totally do that! Heheheh.
Thank you so much once again for this review! I appreciate it!
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