Ages and ages ago that 100 things meme did the rounds. I'm up to 15, no idea if I'll make it to 100. But here are a 100 things about Halimede.
100 things about me.
1. Whenever people say they haven't ever, not once in their lives, felt suicidal, I always do a mental double take. No really? Never ever? While I know from observation that neither need be true, I always wonder a little if they're just really lucky or really blind. Like I said, I know some people for whom neither is true who have still never been at that place, which makes it all the more confounding for me.
2. By nature I'm fairly cheerful.
3. I really like swishy skirts.
4. I really like swishy skirts on boys. This is partly a gender-fuck thing, but also a fudge-with-fudge-on-top thing: Boys are pretty, swishy skirts are pretty. Together there's even more goodness. And a boy stubborn enough to put on a skirt often revels in the swish of it. Girls often have issues with girly and pretty to the point where the swishy is sorta lost in the crush.
5. I really like girls in swishy skirts too.
6. Fanfic. Sparkly fandom is my first real-time fandom. While I started reading due South years and years ago, due to BBC broadcasting schedules I was soon behind on fannish things and out of touch. I dropped off mailing lists, and just read fic a lot. Same with Buffy & Angel. Then I refound B7, an old love...
...and almost twenty years out of production. In a way *NSYNC is the first fandom I'm in while it's still on.
7. Fanfic, the many sides of JC. I have no trouble integrating the dorky and the sexay side of JC in my head, it all makes a kind of intuitive sense. The thing that trips me up is that he looks like a boy who only played with girls as a kid when I'm pretty sure he really isn't.
8. I posted anonymously in the
who's your fandom crush thing.
9. Polysyllable I. I think I might be a
10. Polysyllable II. I have
dyscalculia. It seems to be
improving with EFA's. 11. Poly. I used to think
polyamory couldn't work, as demonstrated by a rather dysfunctional attempt the fall-out of which I saw years later. Then I took a look around at the non-poly relationships around me, and had to admit it's no worse. Or even very different.
12. English is not my first language, I learned it as a teenager. I think it's still noticeable that it's a second language, many people say not.
13. I'm wary about revealing things about myself on the web. Every so often I seem to do it anyway.
14. Being ill has made me insecure in ways I didn't used to be. I'm pretty sure there are insecurities I've shed as well, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Huh.
15. Fanfic. I have a gazillion WIPs that will never see the light of day on my HD. (Or I used to before I lost most of them in a crash.) As far as I can remember, all of those were meant to be posted if I'd ever finished them. Today I wrote a snippet I knew I'd be too chicken to post, and wrote anyway. This surprised me.