The object? Go back to your very first post of each month during 2005, copy the first sentence of each post you made, and post that in a new thread in your LJ
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...IM STILL SICK!...when do i get my vacation!...between work and the 2 thanksgivings...i didnt get one...then as soon as school is over...i hop right into my 40 hour a week job!...again...NO VACATION...and i need one realllllly bad!...usually i find an hour or two a night to relax and watch my lovely tv shows...but time for that...i now
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So today I am thouraghly just hyper as hell. i have been majorly stressed out lately cause of all of the shit that i have to do mostly cause of my crim test which i took today which could be one of the reasons that today im just happier...but this weekend is a diff story..i have a research paper that i havent started yet cause i havent had the
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Criminology test... research paper... Social Psych exam... Measuring Behavior exam... Ethics research paper... Criminology presentation... Personality exam... Personality Research paper... All crammed into 2 weeks...sound like fun yet?
IF YOU READ THIS, no matter if we DO OR DON'T SPEAK OFTEN, reply with at least one memory of you and I. It can be anything you want, GOOD OR BAD, just as long as it HAPPENED. Then, post this and see, what other people remember about YOU. do this, it will make people feel good! :)
What Your Sleeping Position Says You are calm and rational. You are also giving and kind - a great friend. You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games. What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?