current clothes // carolina blue shorts + t-shirt.
current mood // bittersweet + pissed + pleased + loved + unreal...a little bit of each.
current music // none.
current taste // left-over scone?
current make-up // w/e was on for the day.
current hair // ponytail.
current annoyance // do u really want a name?
current smell // nada.
current thing i ought to be doing // sleeping.
current desktop picture // ocean + beach.
current favorite singer // norah j. or frank s.
current favorite group(s) // jars.
current book // the sisterhood of the traveling pants.
current CD(s) in CD player(s) // 2 jars of clay, norah jones, frank sinatra, jack johnson, & sixpence none the richer.
current DVD in player // princess diaries 2.
current color of fingernails // none at the moment.
current refreshment // now i'm thristy.
current worry // ha, if u only knew.