Title: His Eyes Could Never Lie
Pairing: Kyu/Min; Sungmin's POV
Genre: Romance
Length: Drabble/Poem/One-shot
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies. I only own the story.
Summary: It was a giveaway, he never could hide. His heart was stronger than he was.
No matter how much you avoid it, the windows of the soul
Your eyes always give you away.
You and I are the same, perhaps. I like to think so.
We cannot lie, our words can but we cannot. Was it love?
You never asked, I never answered but we always knew
It was unwritten and unspoken but we always just
Your eyes could never lie. My heart was never blind.
Our words could never speak what we truly meant.
Was it shyness? Was it ego?
Why is it, we always hurt ourselves by non-action.
It's such a shame, these words could never show
the truth without justice.
This, a feeble attempt to get to you and your heart
is nowhere near
what I really wanted to say or show or feel.
You, my wonderkin. I love you
whether you truly know or not.
A/N: I was writing this in class. That's why it's not a full one-shot like what I normally come up with. But hey, I hope you like it either way. This is the partner piece to "Written".