Title: Three-sentence Stories
Pairing: Various
Genre: Romance, humor, slight angst
Length: Drabbles
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies. I only own the story.
Summary: A collection of Super Junior moments, compiled into three sentences.
A/N:If this works out, I might post some more and take keywords from you guys? Haha. Comments are love! :)
1. Kyuhyun/Sungmin: Food-fooled Folley.
"It's really good, Kyuhyun. I like it." he asked incredulously, his tongue felt like it was on fire and all other sensations had dissipated - minus the hot pain now lingering in Sungmin's mouth. He knew better than to trust Kyuhyun with preparing food but in his heart of hearts, maybe he was rooting for him, that his foodlexic behavior was just a rouse. Sungmin learned the hard way this time: Kimbap, or any cold dish for that matter, is not supposed to melt away anyone's tongue; but to just see Kyuhyun's proud, confident and oddly sweet smile, Sungmin would've said anything.
2. Kyuhyun/Sungmin: Kryptonite
Kyuhyun was a lot of things, most of them involving his career as a multi-talented idol singer and as a member of Super Junior. He liked being these things, biased toward "evil maknae" especially. What he doesn't like is being stupid because of love which was sometimes totally unavoidable, particularly when he was with Sungmin.
3. Friendship!Yesung/Kibum: Yellow Submarines
"Hyung, it's a tortoise." Kibum reasoned for what felt like an eternity, his patience (although lengthy) was wearing thin. He could not for the life of him understand why he needed to keep reminding Yesung of this anyway - and yet, he still did (go figure). "Yesung-hyung, for the millionth time, Ddangkoma can't go deep-sea diving."
4. Kyuhyun: Unpredictable
Was it meant to hurt this bad, he thought as he lied face down into his cold but ever-dependable mattress. He thought that nothing could surprise him anymore, not the new images, not his hyungs coming and going through his life, not his busy schedule, nothing. Turns out there was something that was still capable of surprising him; as much as Kyuhyun disliked it, a breaking heart always had the potential of surprising him.