(no subject)

Dec 10, 2010 22:20

Community Information
Hogwarts Hallows


Hogwarts Hallows is fashioned in memory of Hogwarts Elite. When that community closed, its members wanted a place which would give them a reason to gather once again, meeting their friends and maintaining the spirit of the magical world created by Rowling.

About the Community

Community name has been chosen based on history. One of the Deathly Hallows is a resurrection stone. Since the community is given another chance to live, the name Hogwarts Hallows is appropriate.

The founder of this community is Lyra (hallowskeeper).

hogwartshallows is a sorting community. It offers variety of contests to its members. Participation in contests earns members points for their house, and as we know, each house is in the hunt to be awarded a House Cup at the end of each term.

Community Features

1. Joining your house and sorting the applicants. To join Hogwarts Hallows and its subsidiary communities, getting sorted at sortinghallows is necessary. We were all sorted once; without it the community wouldn't be the same. The process allows you to form bonds with the community and new friendships.

2. House Cup competitions. Each term lasts a few months. Throughout, there are numerous contests in writing, artwork, photography, trivia, LIMs and more.

3. There will be opportunities to engage in well thought out discussion about Rowling’s work. This is a place for new ideas and to see the books from various perspectives.

4. We celebrate Hogsmeade at the end of each term. A weekend packed with insane energy levels and a wave of activities.

5. This community gives its members an opportunity to open artsy shops, which earns additional points.

Community Rules

1. You must be at least 14 years old to apply for sorting.

2. All community entries are locked to visitors, except Sorting Hallows. The entries are visible to members only.

3. Meanwhile slang and inventive spelling for the sake of humour are acceptable, they should not form majority of your vocabulary. Please try to use proper grammar and full sentences where possible. ‘I h8 jo rul’z’ kind of language will not be tolerated.

4. When you are making a post, please place long entries and more than 1 picture or any picture exceeding 1200 px in total behind an lj cut.

5. Remember that foremost this is a Harry Potter community, so majority of the discussion must be connected to this theme. A community is a tempting place to raise awareness of the bad stuff happening in the world such as hunger and political disasters. Please keep that in your own journals. People come to the community to relax and have fun. Don’t make them uncomfortable by raising controversial topics not related to HP.

6. No drama. Respect others and their opinions. Be honest in your feelings, but present them in a manner that will not offend other community members. Be courteous with the applicants.

7. We encourage activity both in sorting and in the contests. The moderators reserve the right to remove any idling members.

8. You are allowed to come back if you have been removed for sorting inactivity. Please leave a comment at ministryhallows.

9. Moderators reserve the right to expel any student for breaking the rules or poor conduct.

10. Most importantly. This is a place designed to give you new friends, new ideas and the opportunity to show off your talents. Value it and enjoy yourself. Good luck!

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