As long as I'm catching us up, let's talk real quick about George Orwell's book "1984".
The book is from the late '40s, and it's a scathing commentary not about some future world but about the current state of things. The state things were in when Orwell put pen to paper.
It may seem
clever or insightful to point out that 1984 is upon us, but it isn't.
It's droll.
Big Brother has been policing our thoughts for at least 70 years and really a lot longer than that. Feudal society was about keeping the masses in line. The pyramids were built by slave labor. Go further back if you want. Totalitarianism and control are as much a part of society as language.
That's Orwell's point. The point the Orwell
made. Decades ago. So spare us the rehashments.
I'm not discouraging literary references in social dialogue, but there is such a thing as being too on-the-nose.
Culture up, cowboy. Read "1984"; It's because of people like Orwell and Huxley that things didn't get as bad as they could have, maybe. Let it sink in.
Blah blah blah I don't have the energy to call you stupid again. You're not, so don't let people treat you like you are with their book reshelvings and so forth.