Assignment 4: Black on black, White on white, Half black half white (gray vs black and white)
Note: This was by far my worst experience.. I feel like I'm getting worse not better. My beginner's luck is running out. I'm working on it though! I screwed up on Wednesday taking pictures so I had taken NOTHING for an hour and half! The film was loaded all wrong. My "shots" had variation and creativity but it's all gone to hell. It was too late in the day to try again. I managed to take shots today, nowhere near as good as last night's but I have to have it done. All 4 assignments must have a large print by Monday. So, look to see massive updates on Roll 3 and 4 by this weekend.
Kudos to Benson for being my prop master and canvas, too.
Note:I hate the entire roll--- so I made do. I could have probably played around with the lighting a little bit but it's a black/white assignment so I didn't know how white the white is supposed to be, etc.