(no subject)

Oct 21, 2008 11:25

Look, I'm alive.

From Catie:

11 RANDOM facts you may or may not know about me meme

"Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 11 random facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 11 people to be tagged and why you picked them. You can't tag the person who tagged you, so when you are done, let me know you have posted your blog so I can read your answers."

1. I always think something's wrong with me. Sometimes, I'm afraid by default that something will be wrong with me because I keep thinking something's wrong with me when I'm perfectly healthy. It's like a hypochondria-induced-paradox. OH GOD this pain in my side must be appendicitis, OH GOD what the hell's wrong with my lungs, my underarm hurts it must be my lymph, this indigestion must be a heart attack! etc. etc. The good news is that I'm getting a lot better about it-the bad news is that I still think about it and freak out about it. I'm also very aware that I'm doing this.

2. Oddly, I have a very hard time instigating conversations. When I get talking, I'm okay, but otherwise I fear awkward pauses so much that I keep making awkward pauses. It's one of those self-induced paradoxes again.

3. Flowered teas suck. I don't like anything that has berry, fruity, or flowery taste to it. When I drink my tea, I like it straight darjeeling, straight green, straight white-nothing else mixed in. I like the simplicity, and I like to taste the tea that I spent such a long time brewing perfectly. I don't like anything else mixed in with that.

4. I love cooking exotic foods and my family hates eating them. I've gone out of my way to make nikuman, fennel and tomato sauce over spaghetti, anise cookies, kale and garlic, all these things that my family (I should really say "my Dad") doesn't like. I do it anyway. My current projects are homemade sauerkraut and (separately) South African curry.

5. I love socks. All kinds of socks.

6. One of the best things I ever did for myself was get acupuncture.

7. I see flaws in everything and I hate it.

8. My bills always get paid on time, because I'm so anal crazy. I guess anal crazy doesn't sound like a good thing to be.

9. When I'm int he house by myself, I walk around with my headphones on and obsessively flip through music like I have ADD. I will not do this if someone's home, though. :|

10. One of my more charming traits is starting a thousand projects, figuring out how to do something, and then doing it for a while and moving on to something else. Such examples are: sewing, knitting, origami, origami jewelry, jewelry making, cooking, water colors, font making, paper foldables, perfume making, photography, book-binding, herb growing, etc. etc. New projects include fermenting foods, making resin bracelets out of Botan Rice Candy packaging, and making herbal lip balms. Who knows, maybe I'll start making soap.

11. Lastly? I love watching true crime shows.

Two days until Castlevania, and seven days until my sauerkraut is done.


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