I Hate The World Sometimes D:

May 21, 2007 21:38

So I thought today was going to be a good day at work. It wasnt too crowded but there was enough people to keep busy with sales etc. Our new girl who started today was really nice and I liked her. Then about halfway into the shift Jessica the manager gets a phone call. It was a couple from yesterday. Filing a complaint. Against me. Cause they dont think I treated this other girl, Meagan, fairly the other day and they didnt even wanna deal with me and all this other shit. They even said I was yelling at her and I made customers leave even though I never yelled once and there werent even any customers around us cause I always keep an eye on people around me.

So I got taken into the back and told about it and a small discussion was had with Jessica who wasnt too mad at me she doesnt think I deserved it but whatever. I was fine throughout the lecture whatever but after Jessica went back on the floor Ive thought of everything over the last month and how fucking unfair it was that Ive been nice to everyone and I lose my patience once, JUST ONCE, and they fucking file a complaint against me.

So I could feel myself start to cry so I went to the bathroom for like 5 min where I broke down and couldnt stop crying. I managed to stop and went and washed my face though it was obvious Id been crying. Afterwards I asked to go on break cause there was no way I could deal with customers and I was in the backroom crying again and our kennel tech Denise asked me what was wrong and by that point I was hyperventilating so badly I could barely breathe. I tried to tell her and got bits and pieces out though I could speak only like two words at a time.

And I didnt cry just cause I got a complaint filed against me. The day it happened we were totally swamped with people cause it was the long weekend and it was raining so everyone came to the mall. It was me, the other manager Tamara, two newer girls and a trainee. The trainee was horrible. She even dropped a fucking puppy and didnt try to catch it or anything hell she didnt even try to pick it up after she dropped it. So since we were swamped I was in charge of the new girl and making sure the two newer girls weren't slacking off. The shift was only from one to six so it shouldve been fine.

Unfortunetly around 1 our til broke down. Totally caput. Wouldnt do a damn thing. So while Tamara was freaking out trying to fix it I was in charge of customers. Meaning I had to write out a transaction for every freaking customer. I needed to write one copy for us, one copy for them, what they bought, how much everything cost, how they paid, if they got change, everything. While at the same time trying to keep Tamara from killing anyone and trying to help the other three girls with customers. So I was pretty stressed cause I had coworkers yelling at me to help them, customers getting mad at me cause of the til and then Tamara being pissed off cause of everything going wrong. And I have a lot of patience. Like near infinite patience. And even I was at the breaking point that day.

Thankfully around 4 the repair guy finally came in (he wanted us to wait til freaking Tuesday before he came and repaired it D:!) After that it had quieted down a bit and this couple wanted to buy one of the dogs. Meagan had talked to them earlier but she was already busy with one dog sale and we have this rule that if your busy with a big customer like a dog sale and another of your dog customers come in and someone else has to do everything they get the sale cause they did all the work. Plus she said I could have the sale.

So I was going through everything with the customers the dogs price came up. Originally the dog (a Pug) was $900. But with this package thing they were going to get the dog would only be $800. But as soon as I said that they got all defensive and angry with me saying they were told the dog would only be $735. So after trying to explain it to them I called Meagan over to ask why she thought that was the price. She explained she seen Jessica talk to a previous puppy customer about it and the dog was only $735 blah blah blah. After she was done explaining I told her that was wrong the dog was still $800 even with the discount cause the discount is only for $100. And she got all snotty at me saying that I was wrong. And Ive worked there since fucking November of last year and shes just started. And so I tried to explain to her cause I thought I had figured out what she got confused but she kept interuppting me and wouldnt listen. And after the day I was having I finally rose my voice a little but it was no where near yelling and told her to listen to me. And I explained one more time but she still wouldnt listen so I said fine whatever and went back with the customers. I was still nice to the customers and everything even after they got mad at me.

This hasnt been the first incident with Meagan either. Ever since she's started she wont listen to me. I ask her to do something she says okay and 10 minutes later she still hasnt done it. So after I ask her a couple more times and she still hasnt done it I'll tell her to do it and when she says I just say "Now. Go do it now." And then she gets all snotty at me and says Im mean. And yet she puts me down in front of customers, she is rude to me in front of them, says Im mean in front of them, tells me to go away if I walk by her when shes with someone (THE STORE IS TWO FUCKING AISLES WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO?) and all this other shit. I get mad and raise my voice once cause she once again wont listen to me and I get a complaint filed against me.

So all this ran through my head and I was trying to tell Denise in the back room even though I could barely breathe and she thinks Im way too nice. So from now on Im writing out everything she does and every week Im going to hand it in to Jessica.

Im just so sick and tired of everything. People at work ask me to do a favour for them I do it. I help several customers at once because the managers ask me too. Im a fucking walking confidential booth for all the girls who feel the need to tell me their secrets and I cant say a thing about anything to anyone. Im always at work 30 min early and I often stay up to 30 min after to make sure everything is done. I cover shifts whenever possible even though I already work 6 days a week and I have even stayed for over 12 hours at work without a break cause they couldnt get anyone else in. And after all I do for everyone I still get the complaint and I think its so unfair. Im only going to be there for another month or so I dont want this ruining the rest of my time there.

And this turned out way longer then I thought so I'll end it here. I wish I had more friends in the city I could hang out with and get my mind off of all this crap. Atleast I have a day off tomorrow. Once again only one this week >_>
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