Title: Shadows
Author: Ani
Genre: AU, angst, slight romance/fluff
Rating: PG
Pairings: Chiitaro
Summary: Ryutaro-centric. His past refuses to leave him alone.
Disclaimer: I don't own JE
I fell in love the summer of 2010. It was sweltering hot that year, thanks in large part to the climate changes taking place during that time. To me, Tokyo was the worst. One couldn't even leave the house without making sure he had an electronic fan or uchiwa on hand. A bottle of water was a must, less you collapse of dehydration.
The news reported numerous cases of people who were found collapsed on the streets, drained of their liquids because of the heat. Most were discovered in hidden alleyways and backstreets. Detectives and the public came to the conclusion that they were seeking at least some bit of shelter from the unrelenting sun. They never considered any other explanation.
I still naive back then, still a child in everyone's eyes, and most importantly, I was still human. That summer of 2010 was simultaneously the best and worse summer I would ever have.
I had always known him. How could I not? Chinen Yuuri was the cute but short boy who lived in the apartment next to mine, whom all the old ladies around the area would dote on like he was their own precious grandson. Was I jealous? At times, I admit, yes. But never for too long because more often than not, he would use his charm to get me out of trouble.
When I came home on the day they passed out report cards, and knew for sure I had failed a class, he was always there with me, ready to calm my mom's anger with a sweet smile, promising to tutor me so I wouldn't repeat my mistakes. His charm got to me too, and I would berate myself afterward for falling for the same tricks over and over.
Chinen always laughed and teased me for that. "I'm too cute, no one can resist me. You should know that better than anyone, Ryu-chan~" he would say as he poked my cheeks.
I used to swat his hands away and curse him beneath my breath, but I couldn't deny his words because it was true. Even now, I can't recall an instance when I stayed mad at him for more than a day. He never failed to break my hardened resolve to give him the cold shoulder with his cute puppy-dog eyes and little kid pout and a small "I'm sorry, forgive me?"
He acted innocent and sweet but I knew what he hid behind that mask. Chinen always knew what to do or say to make a person give in to his demands. These qualities made a dangerous vampire.
A/N: Just want to throw it out and see what people think. Yet another abnormally long oneshot turned multi-chapter.