One secret...I crave intimacy more than anything...but its my greatest fear.
One compliment...Your passion amazes me.
One non-compliment...I wish you didn't live so far away.
One love note/nice thought...Random memories of you make me smile.
One piece of hate mail/a reason you like me less...I couldn't.
Lyrics from/to a song...I'd rather walk on glass than see teardrops in your eyes/And I'd fall to peices just to hold you/The best thing in my life/Its just luck I get to love you/You're the one thing that's right/You're the light in my hell's darkness
What you think our relationship level is at...Not where it could be
Where you want our relationsip level to be...closer
And a hint to who you are...Anonymous comment memes are dangerous.
You are obviously a dedicated and giving person to have selflessly entered the field you are in.
You don't demand to be treated as well as you should be by people in some close relationships.
Good things happen for good people, and lucky for you, you are good people.
You really should have never left Orlando.
"In the last extremity To advance or not to advance I hear you laughing Even still you're calling me Not tonight... Not tonight... Not tonight, Josephine."
Comments 4
One compliment...Your passion amazes me.
One non-compliment...I wish you didn't live so far away.
One love note/nice thought...Random memories of you make me smile.
One piece of hate mail/a reason you like me less...I couldn't.
Lyrics from/to a song...I'd rather walk on glass than see teardrops in your eyes/And I'd fall to peices just to hold you/The best thing in my life/Its just luck I get to love you/You're the one thing that's right/You're the light in my hell's darkness
What you think our relationship level is at...Not where it could be
Where you want our relationsip level to be...closer
And a hint to who you are...Anonymous comment memes are dangerous.
You don't demand to be treated as well as you should be by people in some close relationships.
Good things happen for good people, and lucky for you, you are good people.
You really should have never left Orlando.
"In the last extremity
To advance or not to advance
I hear you laughing
Even still you're calling me
Not tonight...
Not tonight...
Not tonight, Josephine."
Distant physically, but closer relationship wise.
Definitely bridge the physical gap more often.
Maybe We're A Bliss Of Another Kind,
More recently, I tend to fall madly in love with people who I know are only supposed to be my friends.
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