Oct 03, 2009 08:00
- 12:04 Oh man I am so wiped. Nuts to all those people who claim bowling isn't a sport. I was overheating outside when everyone else had a jacket on #
- 13:50 Augh why are my eyes itchy? WTF am I supposed to do about that? I don't think lotion's an option... Hopefully allergy med does the trick. #
- 13:55 @ tashaaaaaaa cookies? #
- 15:45 Why is it so hard
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Oct 02, 2009 08:00
- 09:00 we got some google wave invites... you need one? RT this !! #googlewave #wave (via @goowaveinvites) #
- 09:00 I am beyond shameless #
- 10:04 I hate trying to find time to watch these films... Why couldn't we just have the class viewing time? My internets can't handle this... #
- 10:21 @ tsukikage85 I do that, it's just the only time I have is right
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Oct 01, 2009 08:00
- 11:11 Learn to homework, noob. #
- 12:18 Once again dumb luck saves the day, we didn't finish in class so I don't have to turn in until monday... haha WOOOO #
- 13:56 I wish this class didn't take attendance, because it is so hard to pay attention. #
- 07:25 @ goddessrain seulement si tu veux #
- 07:26 I dislike being so disorganised... Yet somehow I can
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Sep 30, 2009 08:00
- 09:41 Looks like I'll have to work on the bus if I want ro get anything done before class today... Curse my laziness. #
- 10:50 Argh, I misplaced my bus pass so I ended up missing the bus. Luckily I was able to con my way into getting a ride. #
- 14:59 Luckily my presentation isn't until Thursday, which is good seeing as I was way too busy today to
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Sep 29, 2009 08:00
- 09:47 I just realized I will not have any breaks today... When am I supposed to eat my lunch? #
- 12:56 So much for my research... Since when is wind an excuse for not showing up? #
- 13:36 @ jmzebra shenanigans. no one would ever accept that as a legitimate for not showing up to work, regardless of its truthiness. #
- 14:04 I am definitely not enough of
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Sep 28, 2009 08:00
- 12:32 Why must the Vikings be so much more interesting than homework? #
- 13:54 Stupid Packer bar. #
- 15:17 Suddenly I like Brett Favre again. #
- 15:41 Stupid Twins. Don't do me like that. #
- 17:27 Why is it when I finally have time to watch the movie for film class it keeps giving me an error? And I'm supposed to give a presentation! #
Sep 27, 2009 08:00
- 10:08 13-odd hours of sleep and I'm still tired as hell. WTF is my problem. #
- 11:21 Lazy day, so I fired up the wii fit. It's about time I started taking this seriously. #
- 12:58 $7 for three pounds of bulk honey at a local honey farm, so I bought wheat flour and will shortly be attempting to make bread. #
- 15:29 I forgot how time consuming making
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Sep 26, 2009 08:00
- 09:24 Man I really am out of practice at bowling. #
- 13:14 This rain is making me hesitant to go to French conversation after class... Hmm. #
- 18:26 Why do I keep coming up with creative ways to make junk food? #nowonderimsodamnedfat #
- 19:00 I am so wiped today... #
- 20:43 I think I'm ready for bed already. How lame am I? #
Sep 25, 2009 08:00
- 10:07 @ tsukikage85 mine seems to be working, except the contacts... #
- 10:22 I thought there were supposed to be subtitles on this film? I can't read the Japanese intertitles that quickly... #
- 11:13 "What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?" #
- 12:57 "I'm happy, hope you're happy too." #
- 16:01 Application's been received
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Sep 24, 2009 08:00
- 10:07 When did I get so bad at studying? #
- 12:12 Okay, managed to turn in my homework anyway. No problem, then. Just... need to learn to focus. #
- 20:21 Just not in the mood for any homework tonight... This is unfortunately becoming a trend. :( #