Ino brushed back her hair and looked into the mirror in her bedroom. She had just gotten back from a mission, but apart from a few bruises on her arms she decided that she looked okay. She ran her fingers down the length of her hair a few times almost nervously then shook her head. This would be her day off, she had the decided since she went to bed the night before that she was done from training for at least a day.
Running downstairs she found the house empty. Her father was probably already at the shop. She scowled slightly as she saw a note on the kitchen table. Her parents used to leave her notes all the time when she was younger. Ino make sure the dishes are done Or Ino make sure you are careful out there today. She liked the attention normally, but sometimes she felt as if her father babied her too much. She was a kunoichi now, a full fledged shin obi and she could take care of herself. And as much as she hated to do them, she knew how to do the dishes as well. She looked at the note sideways wondering whether or not she could pretend she hadn’t seen it. There was never any really important information in them and it was her day off after all.
Deciding that she was sick of being babied she left her kitchen. She could always say she caught lunch with another friend so wasn’t in the kitchen at all, they would believe her. She slipped on her sandals and locked the door behind her. She hadn’t seen anyone but Shikamaru and Chouji lately. maybe I can go find Sakura today if she’s around. She thought. She hadn’t seen her in a while and wanted to see if she had grown at all. Maybe she’ll be able to come back from a mission looking as good as I do when I finish. She said smiling to herself as she walked to her old friends house.