spending my time at home..relaxing (as advised by the Dr.)..and reading through some sites and i found this...
Classifying Blood Pressure in Adults
Blood pressure is classified by its severity because treatment is based, in part, on severity. When a person's systolic and diastolic pressures fall into different categories, the higher category is used to classify blood pressure. For instance, 150/88 mm Hg is classified as stage 1 hypertension, and 150/105 mm Hg is classified as stage 2 hypertension.
The optimal blood pressure for minimizing the risk of cardiovascular problems (such as heart attack and heart failure) and stroke is below 115/75 mm Hg.
Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg)
Diastolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg)
Recommended Follow-up
Normal blood pressure Below 120 Below 80 Blood pressure is rechecked in 2 years Prehypertension 120-139 80-89 Blood pressure is rechecked in 1 year, and advice about lifestyle changes is provided Stage 1 hypertension 140-159 90-99 The high blood pressure is confirmed within 2 months, and advice about lifestyle changes is provided Stage 2 hypertension Above 160 Above 100 The person is evaluated or referred to a source of care within 1 month. For those with higher pressures (eg, 180/110 mm Hg or higher), evaluation or treatment is immediate or within 1 week, depending on the person's condition
merck.com/mmhe/sec03/ch022/ch022a.html so which box am i sitting again?? the 160 / 100?? oooo...and what is it called again?? Stage 2 hypertension?? u must be kidding me..
There are mainly 3 types of hypertension:
Stage 1 or primary hypertension - This is when the reading is above 140/90.
Stage 2 or secondary hypertension - This is when the reading is above 160/100.
Severe hypertension - This is when the reading is above 180/120.
well..since i havent reached the third stage..i think i shud be fine right? anyhow..what is stage 2 hypertension? now this might help me i guess:'
This is a serious condition which requires medical care and continuous monitoring. The causes of stage two hypertension is not known in the majority of cases, however, it is generally believed that it is caused by various factors like stress, high fat diet, sedentary life style, no exercise, and excessive salt in the diet. - www.treating-hypertension.com/stage-2-hypertension.html
Now, Stage 2 hypertension happen when the systolic blood pressure crosses 160 mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure crosses 100 mmHg. Stage 2 hypertension is a very high state of high blood pressure that needs proper and regular attention. www.blood-pressure-updates.com/bp/hypertension-treatment/treating-hypertension/treatment-of-stage-2-hypertension.htm
Definition: A systolic blood pressure value of >160 or a diastolic blood pressure value of >100. Stage 2 Hypertension is a serious form of high blood pressure, and requires immediate treatment.
Also Known As: Late High Blood Pressure, Severe High Blood Pressure. highbloodpressure.about.com/od/glossary/g/s2_glos.htm
gahah..what s with the last definition? it wasnt the same as severe high blood pressure lol..but what s the fuss about this 2nd stage? now let s see if this may help to make me feel better..
What are the consequences associated with stage 2 hypertension. Some of the initial consequences that result from leaving hypertension untreated are:
wow..the last bullet sounds....a bit..."interesting" i guess...dun u think so? so what shud i do if i have to cure this? humm..lets see..
Once you develop the condition, you need to keep a constant watch on it so you will know when it crosses the dangerous levels.
You would need to immediately improve your life style by including:
- at least 20-30 minutes for exercise on a daily basis
- begin a healthier diet
- lower or completely eliminate salt
- stop smoking
- stop consuming alcohol
- others recommendations by your physician.
You would also need to have your medication as per doctor's instructions and check your blood pressure at regular intervals.
www.treating-hypertension.com/stage-2-hypertension.html well i think you forgot to mention to "lower your stress level". LOL