Title: Treasure Hunt
Author: Kimmie (tasukichiriko@hotmail.com)
Pairing: Atobe/Momo
Category: shonen ai
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None.
crunchy_salad is at fault for making me fall in love with AtoMo. I have been trying my best to come up with a decent idea for an AtoMo fic and couldn't think of anything, but had scribbled various things down
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Comments 8
AtoMo. *dies*
I love the Kaidoh comment. Poor Kaidoh. *snickers*
Atobe doing Momo's homework is a bit strange, but I guess I can see his logic. It's easier to do it then to help him do it. He sounds so responsible, which he is.. but it makes Momo sound so positively uke.
Good ficcy ^_^
I love AtoMomo. Not as much as AtoRyo but I'm in all sorts of love with this pair too. Momo needs more love!
Ah, I agree with SVZ, this is a fresh air from your other description/contemplation - dominant fics. But I like it still. Yay for AtoMomo!
*nods* Smart Momo. Never eat Italian food on a date without a pack of Smints ready.
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