slowly here was turning to KAT-TUN-birthday-congratulation journal only:XD
so it is time to change it now that i have more free time...
for start i edited layout into winter&kat-tun theme+added introducing post,how it look like now?
yesterday last exam was over ,grades aren't out yet but i hope to pass them all(total of 9exams) esp OSlabratory! thanks to that i hate linux for my whole life!i swear to never go for linux!even microtik is much better!
anyway if i get the pass mark then only thesis will remain.
now have to put everything and write the rest of thesis.gotta keep on fighting for my glory:XD
w/ only thesis i'll have more free time and less pressure on me(because somehow suddenly all our relatives were interested in my graduation and kept asking me about it) therefor i plan to do whatever i liked but didn't have time for it.
here is wish list:
- to finish reading The belgariad and warcraft series
- drawing kat-tun chibies to death!!!
- update LJ more,esp now that i can access it without problem from here!it was blocked in my country but now it is open again:<3
- to continue learning Japanese!the pace depend on my parter in crime A.K.A. my little sister tho:XD if i reach to N5 or N4 level i might continue Italiano as well!
- got to learn how to work with Dreamweaver.
- studying for network+ because i'm aiming for work in ISPs and they want ITmans with network+ degree!even tho i don't understand why it is like that to begin with we learn network+ topics in uni before we graduate anyway!
- i might go learn some English as my English sucks and i need to be good at it if i want to change major for master!(that's if i decided to continue,still can't decide ><)
- i have one piece,the touch & kaikan phrase to catch up with!left them all on-hold in middle of semester.also need to catch up with new anime series.
- there also still some KAT-TUN drama that i didn't watched.and seto drama too.
also just noticed i still didn't flailed over latest kat-tun here.i did write in tweeter but nothing here yet(i'm active there much more than here or FB or Tumblr anyway).LOVE the boys more and more everyday!everything they do is awesome.their concert look awesome and really really wish for DVD.there should be one!how can JE let all this gorgeous perfs go without DVD,ne?
and it is super late but as for album i'm still addicted to it...
when i love a song i would put it on my playlist and play it everyday at least once... i play&play&play and play it until i get tired and change the songs set,i'll listen to them later when i miss the song again tho...saying this there is no song that get to be on top for more than month as i'm soooooooo moody person and tend to change everything time to time.(whether it be kat-tun or another artist!)
but kusabi,gimme luv,fire&ice,Bless,Phoenix,4U are still there!ever since 27.11!!!
i never was interested in any OTP in my whole life,was interested in junnoX all KT friendship tho.
but now i find it...find my OPT. it is KameNo/tomodachibu w/ JunDa being close at 2nd place.their whole latest and
this fic was trigger...
now i'm reading almost all KT related fics!:XD
i'm considering drawing my 3rd kat-tun chibies w/ KameNo main:XD
in my country there are too much of Kpop fans but not really any jpop fans!like they all know exo but no one know a thing about whole johnny's existence! i wonder why it is like this always!
with this situation i find a friend who is into johnny's like me,she is arashi fan tho.and we started blog to promote johnny's here.
and already find few followers which i'm happy about.
in blogs comment i talked w/ few ppl and they asked me to watch their fave group because they are all as awesome as kat-tun!
so tried to give every group they were fans+some Japanese group that are famous chance.
the chance is the same way as i gave it to kat-tun and DDate before...this is my way: i'll try 1PV by chance!if liked,or it left impression on me,or i thought i want to listen to it once more, i'll try 2other PVs if loved 2 out of 3 and liked 1 at least i'll continue watching and the group will be OK and i'll listen to them casually!if i liked more PVs they'll be on my fave list and if i loved the whole PVs i'll listen to all their songs and follow them.
while doing this actually no kpop was even ok-level to me,except DBSK&KARA.
Japanese were better but only at morning musume,AKB.
but then i find AAA , with help of grace-chan in twitter i got to like them more&more...
i used to know them before tho...when watched deligaku!liked shin-chan and watching samurai7 stageplay liked nissy too.i knew nissy has great voice,listened to sailing few years ago and didn't liked it.but suddenly i watched party it up and got all hot over them esp shuuta...the second one PV was i miss you...i LOVE the is so nice and currently the only non kat-tun song on my playlist!
my fave is shuuta now,i like shinchan too.and nissy with his solo amasugiru mistake!(maybe the name was something else but he keep saying amasugiru mistake so i can't remember if this was the title or not)
the rest are interesting as well,i like misako's vibe(same feeling that i have for nocchi),chiaki is so sweet and nice,naoya remind me of koki and i love koki, hidaka can rap and even do beatbox(not at yucchi level tho).and they aren't fluffy rainbow band i don't feel they fake anything.
btw today is ima kao!2nd ep and i'm excited as junno going to do acrobats & uepi has boxing showdown♥