29-05-1991 * 29-05-2010
19 years.
I must grow up *smile*
Special thanks to
smellythreats ,
yuuyan_yappi ,
tomalexis ,
chu_kei ,
vee_keikei ,
kaouchan ,
cmsarashi ,
shindii_hika06 for greeting me a happy birthday :)
I'm really happy, love you all xD~
And also thank to friends on Facebook, blogspot :) So many greetings *love*
Thanks to Lei, mieunhoc, Ki-chan, Ryo-chan, Moni, Nyw-chan, Karla-chan, Nicole-chan, Ratu-chan, Yong Ling, Meow, Mia-chan, Dewi-chan, Oil-chan, Yue-neechan, ... and so many friends on FB :)
Thanks to Yeddalo for the cute birthday card <3 And really thanks to Sakuno for the lovely
entry :) It's late but it's better than nothing xD~
You don't know how happy I am XD~
Hug all <3
One more thing for blog today, happy birthday to
leilily , the lovely friend who shares the same birthday with me xD~
19 years old... Everyone must grow up... But, not everyone wants to grow up...
"All children, except one, grow up..."