[All right, you beautiful people. This is what you think it is. I'm not leaving the game completely though. I'm still here as two other characters, and just made a new one, which I plan on making my main one, or something. I had an amazing experience through this character, but man, when life goes on, life goes on. I love this girl so much and I've given this lot of thought, and what I'd like is a fresh start. A new character to shape and mould and create drama with.
I'm quite easy to figure out but if you want to know where I am now, e-mail me at hanakein@hotmail.co.uk along with any love letters/death threats. And I will be locking this shit yo, so if you want to be kept added then tell me and I surely will. The obvious people will stay on, of course. I will be adding everyone I fancy on this friends list to my new friends list, which is pretty much everyone on there. And yes, I would like to have the rightful power to choose the next Hana, so you know what to do. E-mail! No one wants awful versions of anyone.]