To be honest....

Jan 26, 2010 00:09

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Comments 12

lastiheard January 26 2010, 06:48:20 UTC
don't move to michigan that state looks retarded.


hanaurimusume January 26 2010, 06:53:29 UTC
I have to say, that in this elementary playground school depiction, it looks like a handpuppet and it's crown fell off and is lying on Wisconsin.


mathwhiz78 January 26 2010, 23:03:56 UTC
I was just talking with Kite the other day and told him I could see you just randomly staying in Australia on a whim. :)


mewmewmew_ January 27 2010, 03:57:46 UTC
You know, I've never felt at home. Anywhere. I long for that feeling. I used to think that home was in Scotland. And maybe it could have been. But I don't think it's there anymore. I missed my chance to make it home. This is why I travel. I'm looking for my home. I think in the end, I'm going to find home in a person, not a place. And so I keep looking. And so I keep going.


hanaurimusume January 27 2010, 05:41:37 UTC
I think I understand this. I never really felt 'at home' in PA as much as I did 'used to.' I used to miss NY terribly and I would always go back to visit but it changed so much in my absence without me.
I'm not sure if I am looking for a home now anymore.


ka_it January 30 2010, 16:36:41 UTC
Don't worry too much. Its always there to visit if you don't want to live there. 8D

But srsly, come to florida.


rearrangemylife February 2 2010, 02:02:23 UTC
I'm leaving my home-state and moving north. I can't imagine leaving's a weird thought. A resident of another state? Its definitely going to take adjusting.


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