
Mar 27, 2006 14:08

Went to the Guggenheim with my dad yesterday.....if anyone gets a chance to see the David Smith retrospective, I highly reccomend it.....in other news, I am officcially moving to Brooklyn in a week....it's been a crazy ride and I thank everyone that supported me. In other news, is anyone as excited to see "Snakes on a Plane" as I am?

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Comments 4

herb_lehman March 27 2006, 19:34:49 UTC
Cool, congrats on moving! What part of Brooklyn are you moving to?


handifunk March 27 2006, 23:32:08 UTC
Williamsburg.....I know I know, *insert witty hipster remark here*


herb_lehman March 28 2006, 00:44:31 UTC
Eh, most of the people who make the hipster remarks are just jealous...


funnyirishguy April 2 2006, 16:42:03 UTC
fuckin' hipster...

nah, just kidding...excited to have you out here...drop me a line when you're in town...lets chill.


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