Nov 06, 2008 00:10
i felt like i had something cool to say...guess not.
but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN! (even though it's technically over.)
Oct 27, 2008 23:44
i just had the best weekend ever. so much fun. so many smiles and a lot of laughter. i needed that bad, and now i'm so ready for school, work, and life. BRING ME THE HOLIDAYS. can't wait, love it, love you, love God.
honestly, awesome :)
Oct 14, 2008 23:09
how did i not know about the vitamin string quartet sooner?!
Oct 07, 2008 00:29
i have one freaking section left of my persuasion paper and i can't get myself to finish it.
i really suck at this whole school thing. somebody offer me a sweet job in a sweet city real soon please.
Sep 01, 2008 01:55
If you get tired of your boyfriend's things
There's always other boys,
There's always other boyfriends
If you get tired of your boyfriend's scene
There's always other scenes
There's always other boyfriends
i'm finally making those changes i was talking about a few entries back and it is amazing.
it will be a good year, i am sure of