[Winry and Naoto have been shopping for clothes for Naoto's Christmas party, as well as Winry's upcoming date with Edward on Christmas eve. Winry is now standing in her bedroom at the Shirogane mansion in Japan. Her room is unusually strewn with clothes. There is a
large stuffed creature sitting on the bed, and at least four different dresses scattered around the room.]
Karen told me I should actually post something on purpose, so I am!
I was hoping someone could help me with this problem I have. I've never been to a Christmas party before. We don't have them in my world. And Naoto and I found some dresses that I could wear to the party. I really like this one. [Winry holds up an
Asian inspired outfit.] But there's this dress, too! [And she holds up a
flapper-style dress.] And this one! [She moves to show
another dress.]
There are just so many choices! But I guess, because it's sooner, is this the type of dress I could wear on a date? [Picking up a dress from the bed, Winry
holds it up in front of herself.]