None of you are going to like this but I'm going to do something I rarely do with you guys.
I'm giving you a direct order and I don't want it questioned.
As of right now, we stand down from this situation with Gwen and the Angel of Death.
We can not win this fight and it will merely lead to more blood shed and people we call friends are going to get dragged into this.
Feel free to curse my name, change my coffee to decaf, give me the silent treatment for the rest of the week...but I ask you both as your Captain and as your friend to let this go.
The Angel of Death was just doing what he sees as his duty. To judge him would be to judge ourselves by the same measure, as I'm imagine there are plenty of aliens and a few weevils out there, not to mention a human or 100 who would see Torchwood in the same light.
Believe me, this does not sit well with me either, in fact it leaves a bad taste in my mouth but we let this go and focus on healing Gwen.
By the way, Captain John Hart is currently locked in the spare bathroom on the 'boys' side of the apartment. Don't let him out, no matter how nicely he asks.
[ooc: He only signs his CJH when he's being formal. ;)]