OOC: The Dream

Oct 20, 2008 12:45


He was floating, free, weightless, in an empty space. All around him swirled innumerable different kinds of colors, and he could feel things, too- emotions, sometimes even voices, but very faintly, as though coming from a badly-tuned radio.

Shapes began to emerge from the swirling colors. He turned to look at all of them, smiling, as they would disappear, then re-form, getting more and more well-defined. They began to form into the outlines of people- ringed by different, more solid colors. Colors that somehow told the story of who they were, what they were feeling, how they felt about him.


His feet suddenly landed on solid ground, and the colors began to dissipate. He turned around several times, then stopped and stared straight ahead- a group of people were beginning to emerge. He could see their outlines, their basic features, yet not their faces- not very clearly. He saw a tall figure with the ears and snout of a dog, who emanated strength, leadership, courage. A slightly shorter figure with long hair and cat ears who emanated peace, knowledge, love. Next to her, a shorter man, who wanted to do the right thing and was very caring. Another man, with dreadlocks, who was courageous and easygoing. A tall man, who was hiding a large amount of self-doubt underneath his cool facade. A woman, filled with the desire to belong. A second woman, thirsting to prove herself. All of them he could tell were important to him somehow-


He reached out to these people, but they disappeared- and he found his hand touching another figure who had taken their place. Frowning, he reached up his other hand, and the figure mirrored his actions, before its face came clear- he was gazing at himself. A kind soul, who felt out-of-place and distant from others-

Then the dream was over.

ooc: the dream

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