Back from Portland now.
- played through Halo Reach BAWWWW
- played Dead Space
- played Dead Space with epic hideous internet sound effects
- played Fable 2 and 3
- met Anarin! Who is amaze and scarily like Delta in her ability to rattle off facts about stuff I had no clue about
- met lots of people! all the people!
- watched Teeth
- watched Thankskilling, which might be the best horror movie about CURSED TURKEYS ever.
- watched Xena
- went shopping in downtown Portland
- saw the tree lighting ceremony
- went to a sushi place with a CONVEYOR BELT, SO COOL I CAN'T EVEN
- went to Cheesecake Factory, which is in fact NOT a factory where they make cheesecake
- made chocolate and cheese fondue (not at the same time)
- didn't screw up cooking the turkey, even if we forgot a baster and a thermometer
- had mini christmas aslkjfsafjs
- moved a futon frame
- got lost in hideous labyrinth of apartment complexes
- dishes e.e
- slept next to girlfriend every night, which might actually have been the best part of the trip
- bought all the things
- went grocery shopping with girlfriend! This sounds retarded but I really enjoyed it. I want to always go grocery shopping with her and do Real Couple things.
- ate so much chocolate I don't even
- fulfilled sitcom tropes about roommates and couches
- got cockslapped. not kidding. (it's fake and squishy and we are all 12)
- took pictures of fake dong attached to hueg door poster of Carter. Poor Carter.
- took several showers!
- offended the travel gods, as they canceled Nie's flight home and broke all the light rail ticket machines and the check-in kiosk at the airport. And my suitcase zipper broke.
I am not pleased to be home, but at least I didn't come back to a huge disaster at work. It'll be fine in a few days and I'll be all caught up. :c I'm pretty jet-lagged atm though and feeling sick and exhausted.
I want to be back there so badly already. My gray empty house doesn't feel real yet.