Title: Toddler Kame and his beloved Jin
Author: hanez
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Fluff, Chibi Kame
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Kame turned into a toddler once again but this time round, it was not chibi! Girl! Kame but chibi boy! Kame. It happened when KAT-TUN was filming for Cartoon KAT-TUN Sendai SP.
Disclaimer: Once again, none of the characters belong to
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Comments 62
and no, you're not alone in thinking that the new PVs are plain. i thought the same thing when i saw the previous XD
*runs to read*
rofl~ yep, cheap is the word. although come to think of it, when it comes to D-Motion, it may actually be a little expensive than LOVE YOURSELF since there were lots of lights going on and off XD
Haha, still ... it looks cheap to me. :P
There's no storyline which makes both PVs boring.
Their previous PVs was much much better!
have been waiting for it and it's a little bit sad knowing that this fic going to be your last fic but I do understand your situation :)
and thank you for sharing this ♥
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You know that I respect your decision. as long as you won't disappear just like that. chuuuuuuuu~
And ps: The PVs are just plain, a few hours work and you have the PVs. Nothing much story or something D: Well, it's nice to see the guys at least but ... aren't they boring in some way?
Don't worry. I won't. Haha.
Yeah, both PVs are boring! There's no spice to it! Just for the sake of having a PV. Why isn't Johnny spending money on our boys? :(((
Perhaps it is about time the magic wears off and Kame returns to normal.
I will be sad and missing your fics but as you said you need to focus on your real life.
Yes, the new PV is too plain. I guess all the other groups have had low budget and plain PVs so now is KAT-TUN's turn. Then again it could be the result of budget cuts because of the economic situation.
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