So, I just got all four wisdom teeth out, they were all impacted, I am very drooley and my lip feels huuuuuuuuuuge. I want food, but I don't want to eat. Odd, ne?
I got a mini pillow and a shiny blankey! It was mylar and it was opaque then translucent, it was cool and kinda warm. And it crinkleyed. It was funnnnnnnnn~~~~~
It is kind of funny, I never use to cry at sad things on tv, but as of October, I haven't been able to do anything but. Go figure. In other news, GTom died about two weeks ago, he really was only hanging on for her anyways
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The memorial was... it just was. there was a surprise visit from Dr. Petit at the end. I couldn't see him real well, I was too far away. Our class had a memorial/luncheon/class reunion afterwards. It was nice, but just so creepy
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