The dream opens with a view of an empty theatrical stage with the backdrop just the back black curtain that hid all the stage props and stage hands from the audience. The lighting dims, and in the next second, a bright spotlight focuses on a lone
tall, pale, scantily purple clad man with way too many feathers in his hair.
That's not stage make-up. That is definitely not stage make-up, Zidane thought with a groan, already covering his face with one hand as he looked away. He could already hear Blank and Marcus sniggering right behind him as they watched from the left side of the stage, just behind the curtain. The temptation to have one of the hanging backdrops fall on him was becoming very hard to resist.
"How dark and twisted the strings of fate must be for our love to be all but free!" Kuja said, his full of emotion (a little too much emotion), complete with a dramatic extension of his arm to the sky. "But do not fear, for I shall take your father's heart and make him see our way," he then clenched his fist, "or rip it apart!"
Zidane glanced over to where
Baku was sitting, the large man silently shaking from trying not to laugh. Oblivious to everyone but himself, Kuja continued the dramatic audition, each line coming out louder and with more passion that was necessary, and his arms flailing this way and that.
Until one of the trap doors suddenly opened from beneath him, sending the unsuspecting wanna-be-actor down screaming.
"What, who me?" he just said in an innocent voice, though the smirk on his face was anything but innocent as he looked over the edge of the opening. "Whoops, I guess my tail just hit the lever on accident!" he called down to him.
Haha, oh man, if only that could have been true. Guess I should start looking for that theatre.
Hey, anyone else here enjoy plays? If you do, tell me about your favorite one!
[ooc: slow tags will be slow, but wanted to get this up >_o;]