O come all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant;
O come ye, o come ye
To Rufus.
O Come All Ye Faithful
from the
Christmas Song Generator.
Okay so who is the chosen one? Almost looks like Helo could be the one to see the secret of the five. Poor Six, left at the alter/basestar so her other thirds could find their destiny on the planet. I found that Baltar was more upset at Laura's rejection than he may have figured. Poor, poor, survivor. Not a Cylon or human for sure. I liked Anders cause he married Starbuck understanding who and what she was and being the one who had to try go get her. Thank god January isn't so far off.
There are some major differences in Darkly Dreaming Dexter the book and Dexter the series. When a series is 'based' upon a book we have to take what we get and be glad if some things change or stay the same. At the end of the book, Deb knows exactly what Dexter is. She never had a relationship with his brother, and Paul never existed. What is so good about the series is that we got to keep LaGuerta and Dexter made a more clear choice in favor of his sister. In the book he lets Brian go, he can't kill him, but for the series they make the threat to Deb too real for Brian to live. They leave us with Doakes watching Dexter and that relationship alone will be worth a second season, if only Doakes watches his tongue...;)