I think that Draco and I are... friends. Maybe. Hopefully. I twisted my ankle in the library and he helped me to the hospital wing and... yeah. I think we may be on our way to not ignoring each other. :)
I wonder if Pansy is going to lose her shit over this.
I wonder if Harry will.
I don't care about anyone else's opinion, really, but I would like for Harry to not feel hurt or betrayed or... whatever by this. It just feels wrong to not talk to Draco, when he was such an important part of my life, and when I still care about him so much. Hopefully, Harry will understand that.
//private to Harry//
Still tucked away in my room on my sore ankle, though it is getting better. I had hoped to talk to you about this, but with exams it's kind of been hard to catch you. So yeah, I think Draco and I might be talking again. I don't expect I'll be running off on holiday with him or anything, but the occasional chat about Potions or the nightmare that is Snape's hair might not be out of the question. ;)
I hope that's okay.
And also, if you could sort of watch my back. I'm very scared that Pansy might be lurking around corners, ready to hex me.