Dear Anyone,
I can say with most certainty right now that I do not know what the hell I am doing. I am trying very hard to be honest because I think it is really nice when other people are sincere with me. I hope that I can make other people feel that way if I am sincere. I also wish that someone cared as intensely about me as I care about some people. Though I don't have to have that. As long as the people I care about are happy, I think that I will be okay. I hope. I feel very much alone. I have nothing else to say. I know I am feeling something very deep and it hurts a lot. But I cannot explain to you what or why. I wish that I knew myself, honestly. Maybe then I would be able to sleep. Right now I feel like I could wander around for days without sleep. I can't really explain why I feel any of this. It has been happening for a long time and I know now that it probably won't change, not for good, for a long time. I can't really say that I am okay with that but I just know that it is true. I can't say that I am really unhappy but I know deep down that there is always this lost feeling and I can't find a way to get rid of it. I don't really know what to say. I'm going to go.
Love Always,