Well, nearly finished with my time at Uni now - aah! - and, aside from finding a job (which I admit is a bit of a biggie) this is my lovely to do list once I've finished. Things I'd really love to be using as a procrastination means but can't as I have too much time on my hands...
- Learn to drive! (especially as parents have said they'll pay for half... and important in job hunting!)
- SG-1 drawings (so Amanda Tapping actually has something to sign when I meet her in June... this one's quite urgent!)
- Atlantis board game (I got out the board game I made for Graphics GCSE (I got an A* I'll have you know!) and decided that was fun - and now I want to make another! Sort of designed the game rules itself.. now just need to make the board and all the cards... hopefully be done before Collectormania - then we have something to do in the queue!)
- Shep doll (I planned this ages ago, just haven't got around to doing it! Lovely plushy cartoon Sheppard to snuggle! Yum!)
- HP board game (If I can ever think of a plot/game for it that is... else my second board game this summer might be on something more random!)
- New scrap book! (Have a scrap book of things like all my tickets (cinema, theatre etc) over the years and since I came back from Canada need a new one!)
- Watch the ends of BSG, Supernatural, Smallville....
- Go to the cinema a hell of a lot of times - HBP, Wolverine, Star Trek, Transformers, Night at the Museum II, Ice Age 3.... even Fame looks good (and I hated both the film and the play, so they must be doing something right! Well, we'll see ;P). Not to mention the number one lure of the cinema... POPCORN!!!
- HP scrap book (the height of my obsession has escalated so that I need a seperate book just for my HP stuff! Not because it doesn't necessarily fit, just I want one...!!!!!!!!)
- Photo collage for my wall (now I've reorganised my room and ridded my wall of HP posters (sniff.. although I have a new Hogwarts banner to go up instead) I have extra space, so photos!)
- Photo frames for my photo with Mickey and Minnie and JF! (Nice that they give us photos... can't they give us them in a sensible easily frameable size?! Not as if I don't have loads of empty frames around my room!)
- Accessorise for Graduation Ball dress (Sooooo important!)
- Prepare myself for the HBP premiere!!! (Which, yes, I'm sad enough to be going to... dressed up, of course! You may see Charlie and moi screaming our little heads off... well, I think we'll just be laughing madly with Potter overkill, but whatever. And here my new HP scrap book comes in useful - where else am I going to get everyone to sign (if we're actually that lucky which is SO unlikely). Getting quite worried about how long we'll probably have to stand there needing to pee. I don't know what's done when you're standing waiting for a premiere for several hours and you really need to pee. Will people realise that you're seriously dehydrating yourself by not drinking and by sympathetic and let you back to the front when you've answered the call of nature? Hmm....)
- WRITE THE BLOODY 'LABYRINTH OF THE LOST' SO I DON'T HAVE TO RESIGN MYSELF TO BEING TOTALLY BORED WITH WHATEVER JOB I END UP TAKING IN LIFE!!!! (This one's quite urgent as well! Just not good at pushing myself, but I shall really have to try. And by the way, Sheyla girls, first dedication goes to you because you inadvertantely gave me the inspiration for it... in a weird, roundabout way!)
Ah.... how lovely! If it weren't for all the working, this would be an amazing summer!