random shit

Jul 18, 2009 18:16

I've been listening to Herzeleid this afternoon while sitting outside in this beautiful weather. The past few days were very sticky and humid. Thursday night we had a storm and the power was out for the entire evening. Not pleasant. Anyway, I'm thinking that there is no way Rammstein can strike Asche zu Asche from their set list. It's farrrr too good a song! I'd rather see them cut Du Hast, or something like that. Great song, but.... they need to be very selective. Obviously quite a few good songs will have to go to make room for the new stuff. But I'd like to see them keep some oldies but goodies, and maybe even add a couple of oldies. You know, do something to really surprise people. *wishes for Der Meister or Heirate Mich*

I thought it was kind of odd that there has been no discussion in the FA regarding all this shit that's been going on. I shouldn't really be surprised, as that place is so ridiculously strict, to the point of being useless. Seems like every other post is "post deleted by mod due to *insert ridiculous broken rule here* ". Today I saw that they finally made a thread, but only after getting permission from management. ROFL!! Jeeze, they have to ask for permission about what they discuss? Wtf?

I know lots of people are very anti-Rammstein right now, but I'm just...... not. Anti-management, maybe. But I get a lot of pleasure from Rammstein, so I'm trying to stick to the fun side of it. Although I totally understand people who are feeling differently right now.

In other news.... I got my hair cut a couple weeks ago, and I'm shocked to find that a) I'm probably not going bald after all, and b) I can once again wear my hair curly. My hair is super curly, like tight ringlets. Even back when I could afford $85 hair cuts, I never seemed to be able to pull off the curly thing without my head becoming a pyramid, like the Dilbert chick:

So I either had to put it up in a bun or straighten it with an iron, which is a big pain in the ass to do all the time. It's still a bit sensitive, in that I can't mess with it too much (or god forbid take a brush to it once it's dry) but wow, this chick did a good job with it!

And now, a question: When people write ZOMG, what does the Z stand for??? And in LOLz, what does the Z stand for? I'm assuming LOLz is like LOLs, meaning multiple LOLs.... but where is this ZOMG coming from? Yes, these are the deep questions that haunt me in my waking hours.... LOLz......

rammstein, life

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