Title: The Eppes Family No Good Very Bad Day (1/3?)
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: PG13?
Genre: whump? is that it's own genre?
Summary: The Eppes men have one very bad day. Rotating POVs, whump for everybody!
AN: posting this so I will in theory stop distracting myself from my school work...
Alan liked consulting. The work was rarely dull, always had some variety and, if he was pressed to admit it, the little extra money never hurt. He hadn’t worked with this company before, had barely heard of it and was starting to get a very uneasy feeling about some of the shortcuts he was seeing.
Doing what any inquisitive member of the Eppes family would do, he began to snoop- just a bit, mind you- through files. All he wanted was a little background information to feel more comfortable working with them anyway, and then he would either quit or continue on, simple as that, and-
Well that couldn’t be right.
He tilted the diagram a little to get a better look. He was certainly no Charlie, but those numbers did not add up. It was more than time to leave, tell Stan this was not a company they were going to work for again and put in a word to Donny that something was going on that did not look terribly ethical or legal.
When the back door to the office he was ‘borrowing’ exploded inward though, he really wished he had told Stan to take this one instead.