I love Garden State! The part where Natalie Portman says, "Listen to this, it'll change your life," and the song starts playing, I got ridiculously excited. New Slang changed my life way before I saw the movie. Okay, it didn't change my life, but it always brought me into a state of extreme peace and comfort. From the first time I heard it, I always imagined a peaceful autumn day with a few clouds overhead as I walked through a line of trees with orange, brown, and yellow leaves- some scattered on the ground as a slight breeze cooled the air. As I laid in bed trying to sleep, I'd just listen to the song and all would be well in the world.
I know exactly what you are talking about. No matter what mood I am in, if I listen to New Slang, I am instantly at peace. For some reason, when I hear it, I just sit down, let my shoulders down, a look of into space. Its totally nuts. PS: I love Garden State too. It so explains the idiotic calmness of life. How life can be so eventful, but boring. Ha.
Comments 2
I know. It's terrible.
PS: I love Garden State too. It so explains the idiotic calmness of life. How life can be so eventful, but boring. Ha.
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