She's there. I know. I saw her! The fountain..!
I think I'm going to be sick! *stumbles away, vomiting sounds*
*staggers back*
She's out there. I don't care what anyone says! I saw her... Tonight. The fountain. She was so beautiful!
Different. Her hair, it curled. It looked so soft. I wanted to touch her face. Hold her. But the ripples... When I tried to, the waters... Bloody waters just rippled.
"Rakki" was what she said. Lucky?! *sardonic, barking laughter* Me! Lucky.
I would deny it. But then I saw the way she looked at me! I couldn't imagine a luckier man...
My face hurts. Blood everywhere. I feel like I'm going to pass out now. Heh. If I could only fall into the water, fall under it and drown now... In your arms, my dream..!
*passes out on the edge of the fountain, one hand in the water, face matted with hair and dried blood*