[Oneshot] Enemies Undercover: Truth Unfold

Jul 16, 2009 18:40

Title: Enemies Undercover: Truth Unfold.

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Romance, sorta angst

Summary: Even if it’s hurt to let go, but it is for the best. Isn’t it?

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: My dear allboutp , thanks dear.

It’s been a week since the day that I decided to break up my secret love-hate relationship with Ryo. But somehow, my heart felt hollow. It feels like there is a hole in my heart. I miss him, I admit, I miss him so much that I keep on thinking of him almost all of the time. But I still think that the decision that I make for us is for the best. It will only hurt both of us in the end, especially if Ryo finds someone he will loves and wants to marry. And I just want to prepare myself for that. I don’t want to suffer the broken heart that will come when he finally realizes that he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. Better stop now before I keep on falling deeper in love with him.

I walk in the dressing room, muttering good morning to Kame who is already in the room. He always arrives early than anyone else. I try to smile back at him, but somehow I find it is hard to smile these days. Perhaps it is too soon for me to move on and keep on living like nothing has happen. No, Tatsuya, it was your decision and you need to move on, I keep on telling myself but why does it doesn’t convince me. I sigh.


Kame looks up and watches Tatsuya walks into the room melancholy and slightly sulking. It’s been a week and Kame really doesn’t know what happen that make Tatsuya react like that. Kame greets Tatsuya and gives him a smile. Tatsuya greets back and tries to smile but fails miserably. Kame frowns and walks towards Tatsuya. Then he pinches Tatsuya’s cheeks.

“Oww, that’s hurt, Kame! Why did you do that for?” Tatsuya say, as he rubs his redden cheek.

“Well, you haven’t been smiling this past week and I really, really miss your smile and I want to see it again.” Kame explains.

“What does it had to do with pinching my cheek. That hurt, you know.” Tatsuya complains, still rubbing his cheek. Kame just smile.

“Well, it did make you respond more than if I call your name. Now, why don’t you tell me what’s going on. Let’s talk.” Kame says, indicating for them to sit on the couch. Tatsuya just sighs, knowing that his friend is just too observant and there is no way he can get out of this if Kame has set his mind on something.

“Find, let’s talk but not here. Why don’t we go to the café across of the street? Besides, we still have an hour before our meeting.” Tatsuya suggests. So, both of them walk out and go to the café.

So, when they have order and sit down at the corner of the café, where no one can see them, Tatsuya begins to tell Kame what had happens. He spill about his secret relationship, his feeling towards his ex-boyfriend and also the fact why he feel so miserable. But one thing he doesn’t tell Kame is who his ex-boyfriend is. And when Kame asks him about it, Tatsuya just shrugs and says that the break up happen because his boyfriend doesn’t want anyone to know about them and he still respects his ex wishes even though they no longer together. Kame just nods.

“So, you break up with him because you love him. Somehow that doesn’t make any sense to me Tat-chan.” Kame tells Tatsuya. Tatsuya takes a breath before explaining.

“Look at it from my point if view, ok. I love him. And we’re in a relationship but it’s a secret because he doesn’t want anyone to know about us. I might be ok with it for a while but it has been almost three years and every time I ask him about it, he still refused to let anyone else to know about us. I think not even his best friends knows about us. So, how can I trust him to stay with me if he refused to tell people about us? On what ground should I know that he won’t leave me for another if he didn’t even want to acknowledge our relationship. And I also been wondering is he really loves me, or is he just keeps me with him because I’m convenient. That’s why I decided to stop now before I keep on falling deeper in love with him. Besides, I think its better this way because at least I won’t recent or hate him for cheating on me, when suddenly he wants to get married to another person.” Tatsuya explains.

Understanding dawn on Kame. Now, he finally understands the decision that Tatsuya makes and he vows to help his friend in any way he could.

“I understand now, Tat-chan. And if you need any help or just a shoulder to cry on, you know you can always tell me, right? I’ll try to help in anyway that I can, ok?” Kame says. Tatsuya just smiles and nods, grateful to have such a nice friend like Kame.

“I think we better head out. It’s almost time for our meeting anyway.” Tatsuya says, as he gets up and walk out from the café, follow by Kame. Just as they walk out of the café, Kame suddenly realizes that Tatsuya actually loves his ex-boyfriend, who ever he is, very much. And since he is making such decision shows that Tatsuya is willing to sacrifice his own happiness so that his ex-lover can find his happiness with the person that more suitable to him than Tatsuya. With that thought in his mind, Kame make a promise to himself to keep Tatsuya from falling into a deeper depression that he seems to start to show.


‘Damn that Hime, why is it he’s doing this? Does he really want to break up with me? Is he serious?’ Ryo thought as he walks grumpily to his dressing room. The juniors who are walking past him seem to cower at the looks on his face. He is currently sulking and glaring murderously at anyone and everyone.

Suddenly he sighs. And rubs the temple of his head unconsciously. He seems to do that a lot lately, since he and Tatsuya are no longer together. He also feels a bit worried since Tatsuya seems to be quite serious with his decision this time. Sure they have their share of fights and break up in the past but usually they are back together the very next day. But it has been a week, and Tatsuya shows no interest of getting back together with him.

‘Why is he doing this? What did I do? I thought we’ve been doing great together. Doesn’t he know that I love him? Sure, I didn’t tell him enough. Well, maybe it’s my fault that I didn’t tell him enough that I love him. But, surely we can talk about it. And why is it am I stupid enough to agree with his decision? Arghh, you’re making me crazy, hime. I’m already crazy in love with you and now this. No matter, I’m going to get you back. I promise.” With that, Ryo face break into a smile as a plan starts forming in his head.


Two days later, when Tatsuya is walking back to his room from having his lunch, he is cornered by Ryo unexpectedly. After making sure no one sees them, Ryo pulls Tatsuya into an empty room.

“What do you want, Ryo?” Tatsuya asks, his arms cross. Ryo just stay silent for a while, before starts to caress Tatsuya’s cheek.

“Are you ok, Tatsuya? You look pale. Did you rest? Are taking care of yourself?” Ryo asks.

Tatsuya just push Ryo’s hand away from him. “I’m fine. Besides, what is it to you if I’m doing ok or not. We’re no longer together, remember.”

“Yeah, I know that but I can’t help but worried about you, Tatsuya. And I miss you.” Ryo confesses.

“Well, it’s kind of a bit too late, isn’t it? You never had been this concern before, so why start now. And since we’re have broken up, I hope you could very well remember that.” Tatsuya says.

“It’s not that I’m the one who call this relationship off, am I? I just follow what you want. I’m just merely respecting your wish.” Ryo says, raising his voice, a bit angry when Tatsuya keeps on reminding him of their break up.

“Well, you could at least show some indication of protesting it if the relationship means something to you, but no… you just brush it off, like it didn’t matter, like I don’t matter. And now, you say that you miss me and worried about me. I find that a bit hard to believe, you see.” Tatsuya said, snarling to Ryo. Ryo is a bit taken back at the viciousness in his ex-boyfriend tone.

“Look, I made a mistake and I’m sorry. Can’t we talk this over? I really, really regret breaking up with you and I want to start over again with you.” Ryo tells Tatsuya. Tatsuya went silent for awhile before looking up at Ryo.

“You want us to start over?” Tatsuya asks and Ryo nods. “Are you willing to tell our friend about us this time? If I want us to have an open relationship, which means no more hiding, no more secret, do you agree?” Tatsuya asks again, which left Ryo speechless for awhile.

“That’s what I thought.” Tatsuya says, a bit sad when Ryo does not show any respond to his questions. “I guess, this is why we can’t have another chance then.” Tatsuya says as he walks out from the room.

“That’s not fair, Tatsuya. You have to give me time to think.” Ryo shouts as Tatsuya already out of the room.

“Life is not fair, Ryo.” Tatsuya murmurs to himself.


At the end of the day, Ryo finally reach to a decision and he knows life is really not worth living without his precious hime. So, now he has all the answers to Tatsuya’s questions. Yes, he is willing to tell their friends about them. And yes, he too wants to be open about their relationship, and he also agrees there will be no more hiding and no more secret. Now, all he has to do is to find his hime and tell him his decision.

When he reaches at KAT TUN’s dressing room, he sees all KAT TUN’s members are there including a few of his band mates, Yamapi, Massu and Koyama from NEWS and Yokoyama and Subaru from Kanjani8. Why they are there, he didn’t know. But he doesn’t care. All he care about is to convince Tatsuya that he really want another chance to mend their relationship.

“Ryo-chan, what are you doing here? I thought you have already went back home?” Jin exclaims in surprise upon seeing Ryo at the door way.

“Ermm…, can I borrow Ueda for awhile?” He asks, fidgeting. All the people in the room are a bit surprise at the request, after all they all know about Nishikido vs Ueda rivalry.

“What do you want, Nishikido?” Tatsuya asks, his tone appear to be totally uninterested.

“Can we talk alone, for a bit?” Ryo asks him. Tatsuya just shrugs and nods, as an act that he doesn’t care about anything at all. “Yeah, sure, whatever.” He says as he walks out with Ryo.

“So, what do you want, Ryo?” Tatsuya asks when they are outside of the room.

“I have thought about what you said earlier and I decided that I really want another chance, and this time I’m willing to do exactly everything that you want, even if that’s mean no more secret relationship.” Ryo tells Tatsuya. Tatsuya just raises his eyebrow, not quite believe at Ryo claims.

“You really mean that?” Tatsuya asks. Ryo nods viciously. “Then, proof it.” Tatsuya challenge. Ryo just grin and kiss Tatsuya thoroughly. “Oh, I will. Come hime; let me show you that I’m very serious about this.” And Ryo drags Tatsuya into KAT TUN’s dressing room and coughs to get the attention of their friends.

“Attention every one, I have an announcement to make!” Ryo calls for their attention and when all eyes on him, he just grin at them. “What is it, Ryo-chan?” Yamapi asks.

“Well, I just want to tell all of you that Tatsuya and I are in relationship and we have been together for about three years.” Ryo announces and then a big smile form on him when all of their friends have a gobsmack expression on them.

“WHAT!!” “ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!” “WHAT THE ****” “He’s the one you told me about, Tat-chan” These are among the reaction that they got from Ryo confession, of course the last statement is obviously from Kame. Even Tatsuya is a bit shocks at Ryo’s bold action, but he can’t help but feel a warm and glowing emotion begin to form in his chest at Ryo confession and also the fact that Ryo is serious about getting back together with him.

“Well, yes and I really, really love him.” Ryo says and to prove it, he puts his arm around Tatsuya’s slender waist and pulls his lover close to him before giving Tatsuya a very passionate kiss. Tatsuya just sighs in happiness and surrender himself to the taste of heaven.

The End.

#oneshot, fanfic : ryoda

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