Title: Searching For Lost Time
Pairing: Onkey, Jongkey, 2Min, Yeonhee/??
Rating: PG/G
Chapter: 5
Summary: Yeonhee's gone and Kibum is worried.
Chapter 5
“Yeonhee!” Kibum forced his way through the dancing crowd as soon as he lost sight of his sister. He reached the table where he last saw Yeonhee and spotted her silver handbag on the floor. “No..God
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Comments 7
& yay!! im first...AGAIN!!:P
Cant wait to see what will happen next!!~
and finally there was 2min :)
<33 <33 <33
here's a kiss from me as a reward for always being my first reader!! ahaha!
2MIN's moments are only for you dearie...
lol~ i'm still lovin onkey!! thanks
i don't like sad ending, really don't
btw why it's confusing me?am i missed something in your story?i mean the plot u've made, it's like jumping from chapter 1 to 3
but i wouldn't mind reading the sad one =X i'm a sort of a sadomasochist XD
okay, okay..i'll have to re-draft my chappies again..i mean the final chappies, that is..
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