Full Tilt Boogie
Author Notes
The idea for Full Tilt Boogie started over a year ago, and combined a couple different things that we'd been talking over for a few months: a Supernatural story involving
The Gobbler, and the need for more stories about Michael Sorenson, the kid from Something Wicked This Way Comes. Full Tilt Boogie has come a really, really long way from the concept that we first started with. We had originally planned it as complete crack. The climax - after the orgy scene, of course - was going to be a disco vs rock showdown, featuring dean on air guitar and bones stomping his way through a dance number to prove disco's superiority. It was gonna be awesome.
But right about the time that we lit someone on fire and had them stand back up, we realized that just wasn't the story we were writing.
Our major theme was still disco vs. rock n' roll, but took off mostly from a really excited voicemail that Hans left on her sister's voicemail about how nobody killed disco, it was just fake and no where near as honest as rock n' roll. That ended up being a more subtle theme than an out and out rock-off, so the main theme that ended up being explored was self-honesty rather than what was, you know, cooler.
Neither of us could have written this story on our own. It was a truly collaborative effort - there are some parts that were written separately, a few that were edited by the other, and some that were written back and forth. Someone who knows our styles might be able to pick out who wrote what part (we're looking at you, crazy
spn_gleeweek winner
affectingly!), but hopefully it blends smoothly enough. It was really a joy and a blessing to be able to work together. We had a joke, while we were working, that there were never any arguments or ego clashes, and it was all a series of exchanges that went, "You're a genius!" "No, you're a genius!" And that was pretty much true. The only thing we fought over was my incessant need to end stories unhappily. Thankfully, she prevailed on that one.
We wrote our first story together when we were nine years old, but life and growing up got in the way of a lot of that. Being able to write together again - bonding over fandom - has really been a joy and a pleasure.
This was a hard story to write, and made even harder by the ridiculously stressful year we've both had, so we're proud beyond words to finally be able to put this story up. We hope that you've enjoyed it half as much as we enjoyed writing it, and we want to say thank you again - to everyone that supported and encouraged us, and to everyone who reads it. Thank you!