Title: Sight
Fandom: Spring Awakening (musical.)
Characters: Anna/Georg
Prompt: Fanfiction 100 prompt #40: Sight.
Rating: PG
Summary: Anna thinks about all she sees without even looking at him.
Other: I wrote this in February; I'm posting all my fics on here too.
Those eyes. Clear, like they're
Searching you for something.
A hint to hide their abnormal
Lack of uniqueness. It's
Almost like they don't fit
Their owner, who is original
In every way. Half-hidden
By pure black feathers of
Lashes, specializing in
Mystery and allure. But
Only if you're close enough
To really notice them.
Dark hair. That middle
Ground between brown and
Black is where the colour
Stands. Its unable-to-be-
Unnoticed curls might
Look weird from far away,
But you get used to them
Eventually. Rarely will you
See them ever disappear.
Skinny, yes. But never
Too skinny, despite all
Common complaints. All
The better to hide inside
Tight spaces with. To
Pull you in and give
You a heart attack as you
Try to catch your
Breath with. All with
That bright smile.
Oh, that smile. Happy but
With that tinge of solemn
Melancholy feeling, you
Always want to hug its
Bearer. When you do, the
Love radiating might
Figuratively give off more
Light than heat, but
You can't feel light
In your heart.