Title: Money Well Spent
Fandom: NMH
Prompt: Shopping
Pairing: None. Just some good ol' fashion bro time.
Rating: T for language
Word Count: 1,252
Summary: They go clothing shopping and Travis is the true, evil, twin brother.
The two brothers strode into the department store, heading towards the men's section with a few distractions from Travis's side, as he oogled at some of the female workers. Henry had to snag him by the collar of his jacket a few times to keep him on track.
"What the fuck, man. Get your hands off me," Travis said, shrugging him off. "What's your hurry, anyway?"
"I've got an appointment in thirty minutes," Henry explained. "Tardiness is not an option." He narrowed his eyes to emphasize his point.
Travis shoved his hands into his pockets. "Oh, yeah? What for? Gonna get a manicure or some shit? Com'n, loosen up, bro."
Henry ignored him, but only because his attention was elsewhere. He was eying the suits section. On his mental shopping list, it read: three piece suit, tie, and dress shirt. Like he already didn't have enough of those.
"Fuckin' hell--," Travis grumbled, following his brother. "No, dude. You don't need more fancy-shit suits, OK? You already have a million to choose from."
"They are outdated and too similar to each other," Henry said, rationalizing his choice and sifting through shirts on a table. "I'm looking for something a little more casual, actually."
Travis blinked, unamused. He smacked the shirt out of Henry's hands and gave him a light shove in the other direction.
"What are you doing?" Henry demanded, planting his feet.
"You wanted casual, right? I'm gonna find you something fuckin' casual. Thank me later."
Reluctantly, Henry went with Travis to the other side of the partition. Travis expertly picked out a few articles of clothing off some tables, then shoved them into Henry's arms. The Irishman gave them a look of disdain but headed to the dressing rooms. He didn't have time to dawdle, but he thought if Travis was at least willing enough to help (or care), it was worth giving a shot.
After a few minutes, Henry opened the door and came out. "Right, well, here's the first one."
Travis rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he examined the new outfit.
Henry wore a dark blue blazer over a pin-striped button-down shirt, stone-washed denim jeans and and an ornate, leather belt decorated with a silver buckle. It was relatively tame, which didn't fly with Travis. His brother needed to step it up a notch. He grinned mischievously at the thought, but only briefly before Henry could notice.
"OK, take that shit off and wait inside," Travis said, shoving him back in. "I'll be right back."
"Please hurry," Henry said. "I've only got twenty minutes left."
"Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on," Travis muttered on the way out. His eyes gave the men's section a good once over before rubbing his hands together. A few items caught his eye, and snatched them up eagerly. He was all for creating a crazy theme, which he thought would be fitting for his tight-wad brother. He couldn't wait to see the look on Henry's face. It was going to be a riot.
The clothes and accessories were tossed over the door and into the room. There was a lot of rustling and a soft clang where Henry promptly cursed.
"Fuck, Travis! Watch where you're throwin' the metals, will ye'?!"
"Quit bein' a pussy and hurry it up," Travis said, leaning against the wall and fishing his phone out from his pocket. "You don't wanna be late."
A few minutes passed. A sound of disgust came from inside, and the door remained closed. Travis had his phone set on camera mode and ready to snap a picture as fast as he could before Henry decided to strangle him to death. The picture would totally be worth it.
"I'm not coming out there," Henry called out.
"Oh, come on! You already put the shit on, might as well."
"Fine, but put that camera away, you idiot. I can hear you giggling like a little girl."
"All right, fine, it's gone."
Travis pretended to put the phone away, rustling his pockets. After a beat, he raised the phone again, grinning gleefully. A few seconds later, the door creaked open warily and Henry stepped out with a scowl on his face.
"OH MAN!" Travis howled, grabbing his stomach. "FUCK, MAN! THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST SHIT EVER!"
Henry punched him in the back, and he stumbled, but it only made him laugh harder. Every time he looked at Henry's fuming expression, he broke into peels of laughter.
"I suggest you stop making a scene," Henry warned, gripping his shopping back tightly. He decided to ignore all of Travis's suggestions and picked out his usual style of clothing, which didn't seem to bother the guffawing twin one bit. Not after what he had seen Henry wear, anyway.
HIPSTERGANGSTEREMO/GOTH/WHATEVS?????????? Henry reached over in rage to strangle his brother, snarling threats and insults, totally losing his composure. Passing shoppers and loiterers gave them strange looks and avoided their path, Henry's warpath in particular. Travis choked, still laughing and finally kicked his brother in the chest which sent him flying back. He sat there, looking stunned, but calmly picked himself up and dusted his clothes.
"I'm late for my appointment," he said, his voice eerily serene. "Good bye, Travis."
"What's this appointment about that you needed new clothes anyway, huh?" Travis grinned, his mood still unspoiled by the attempt on his life. Henry stopped to look at him, shrugging.
"A date."
"Oh. Shoud've gone with the _______ look, bro."
"Fuck off, Travis."
lame ending, i know...... :/a