Title: HPHB Easter Challenge (Taygasms)
Author: Maria [Hansongirl97]
Pairings: Briefly Zaylor changing to Taylor/OMC
Rating: R/NC-17 (incest, graphic sexuality, language, drug/alcohol use, adult situations)
Word Count: 3, 021
Beta: I am my own beta. If there are mistakes, they are my own. Please let me know about them so that I may correct them. Thanks.
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Comments 4
Sam and Taylor is just as hot as Zaylor but DAMN, it's hot!
I'm sure you'll do very well with this in the competition. :D
isn't fuckin' a police officer one of the most popular fantasies??
and sam where the hell have you been...you and the rest of the people here! maria's fic it's the only one i've seen for the challenge?? not complaining though, cause this fic was very hot! i can't stand the idea of a fiction without zaylor action now that i'm addicted to it
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