Fic: "If I Had A Gun"

Feb 14, 2012 14:05

Title (shamelessly lifted from Noel Gallagher‘s High Flying Birds song with the same title) : If I had A Gun
Genre/Characters: Gen, Dean mostly, Jo, peripheral Sam -- basically all hurt with nil comfort.
Warnings: Language. And I imagine there will be errors.
Word Count: approx. 3500
Spoilers: Episode 2x14 - I think -- “Born Under A Bad Sign ( Read more... )

supernatural fanfiction, dean, demon!sam, drowning, born under a bad sign missing scene, bullet wound

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Comments 20

arliss February 15 2012, 10:46:57 UTC
Thanks so much for this. I've bookmarked it to read tomorrow, as I'm falling asleep at the computer right now. Comments later, promise.


embroiderama April 23 2012, 03:37:55 UTC
OH DEAN! I haven't seen any new fic exploring this ep for ages, and I miss it because it's such a goldmine for h/c. I love that you increased Dean's peril here and then had Jo being very sensible, even if she ended up disappointed.


hansons_angel April 24 2012, 14:32:23 UTC
Ha, yes -- S2 fic seems so long ago now, doesn't it? But I honestly feel most comfortable writing S1-4 and even preseries than I do the later seasons. . .maybe because of the "goldmine" of h/c possibilities that you mention. . .or else because I am not as current with the past couple of seasons (haven't seen hardly any of S7 yet, sadly) like I am with the earlier ones. . .in any case, thank you Lady -- it always means the world to me when you read & review my stuff, and this time is no exception : )


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hansons_angel April 24 2012, 14:35:52 UTC
Thank you -- really, the idea that Dean could get shot and then tumble into the water of Lake Superior and NOT have some sort of -- side effect of that -- always bothered me. ..I grew up on that Lake and it's not like falling into a pond or something. . .especially with a bullet lodged in your shoulder, LOL. . .but I digress. . .glad you like the gifs (as do I) and the story. That makes me happy : )


thruterryseyes April 23 2012, 19:45:48 UTC
thats terrific and the gif's damn near killed me.


hansons_angel April 24 2012, 14:38:11 UTC
Thank you so much. . .and yes, the gifs -- thank kj_svala for that. . .she is amazing that way. . .honestly, her work is what inspired me to finish.


caluk April 23 2012, 19:52:52 UTC
LOVELY - fantastic look into the missing scenes and Dean's thoughts throughout.


hansons_angel April 24 2012, 14:39:10 UTC
Yay -- thank you so much : )


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