Because its quater past 12, and im not tired.
01. Room In house: at uni, its totally my room! I love it!
02. Type of music: A lot of stuff, but espesh stuff from the 70’s/80’s is coolio.
03. Song: I think I have to be really sad and say mcfly, not alone, its just so lush!
04. Memory: when I found out chris liked me (blush)
05. Day Of The Week: Wednesdays
06. Colour: Turquoise or pink
10. Season: prob winter actually!
11. Place to be kissed: lips and shoulders
12. Location for dates: Doesn’t matter as long as its with Chris!
01. Cried: nope
04. Sang: through the grapevine!
09. Talked To Someone: indeedee
11. Missed Someone: uhhuh
12. Hugged Someone: yes- Kellie
13. Kissed Someone: no:(
16. Had a lot of sleep: yeah...... im so lazy!
[what would you name your kids] Not a clue! (NOT SEBASTIAN)
[food] Chicken caeser salad, mmmmmmmmm yumyum
[solo singer/rapper] Seal
[movie] Donnie Darko
[tv show] Scrubs
[beverage] archers
[subject] drama
[teacher] toss up between the wheatley and orchard.
[shop] Dotty P’s!
[radio station] Radio 2
[book]probably the looking glass wars actually!.
[holiday] Corfu/Magaluf, it’s a tricky one
[fast food] pizza
[number] 7
[cheated on a test] kind of
[dyed your own hair] my mum did highlights, does that count?
[got in trouble with the police] I once got told off for giving my friend a seaty!!
[broken a bone] No, yay!!
[what kind of car do you want] BEETLE!!!!
[do you consider yourself attractive] Occasionally
[do you have a cd burner] yeah
[thing you ate] corn on the cob
[thing you drank] a brew!
[song you heard] Roachford files: One good reason
[show you watched] ER.
[thing you said] Night everyone!
[person who called you] my Mum
[person you called] my Mum
[person you hugged] Kellie
[person you kissed] Chris xx
[last car you rode in] My dads car