[RED's fine just viewing the odd sight, watching the plants go into their various pouches and making sure she doesn't put any in the ammo one. He's silent until Cassidy-turned-BLU picks up the teacup- at that, he snorts, stifling a laugh. This is too precious.]
That had better be coffee or beer in that cup. I'm not so sure he enjoys tea.
That had better be coffee or beer in that cup. I'm not so sure he enjoys tea.
( ... )
He'll survive. If ya do try coffee, stick to decaf. Wouldn't want to throw off his nerves with the regular stuff.
( ... )
[It's his turn to look mildly distressed.]
If you're not too busy to swing by RED base, I'll give you some. There's some other stuff I probably oughtta warn you about, while you're over.
... And also, if you have any more of that sleep aid, I'd appreciate it.
Not really...
Okay, I can be there soon. I just finished mixing you some so I'll bring it with me.
Bring the pouches BLU wears on his belt, too. He's got somethin' I need to borrow.
( ... )
[He'll be waiting downstairs in the den, since going anywhere else would put more strain on said leg.]
( ... )
[Though he's not going to lie: this is all really weird coming from someone in his rival's body.]
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