Cassidy is a responsible, but slightly naive young demon who has just come into full adulthood. She lacks confidence in many things but wants to be useful to others, and as such will do her best to do a satisfactory job at any task. Her area of expertise is healing through use of various herbs and once she enters "nursing mode" it’s very hard to dissuade her from treating a person. During thee moments of determination, she will doggedly stick to the task or person until she’s finished what she feels needs to be done or is otherwise convinced to lay off.
As a demon of the canine persuasion, she’s gifted with an excellent sense of eyesight and hearing and an even better sense of smell. These traits make her an excellent tracker, small game hunter, and sentry although she feels her skills are nothing noteworthy. However, having been trained almost exclusively as a healer, she possesses no fighting skills whatsoever, and is incapable of protecting herself. Which isn’t to say she doesn’t try, but she ultimately has to flee if she isn’t captured first(an example being that at one point in canon she will confront a hybrid called Michio, but be caught by the scruff by and taken along until they reach where he was going). As a result she can’t keep any territory she claims and is constantly on the move.
Due to this she can seem a bit like the annoying neighbor dog who yaps at you until you turn to face it...with the exception being that she rarely starts the confrontation and once cowed she won’t try again for some time. She does want to learn to fight, but the major part of her current ineptitude is the fact that she doesn’t like confrontation or want to hurt anyone. She often shows this by rolling onto her back in submission while in canine form, if she senses suspicion or retreating altogether when sensing hostility.
Despite her inner doubts, she is rather friendly and kindhearted, generally being polite. If she dislikes or doesn't trust someone or something then she will try not to have anything to do with them. Her rough experiences over the past year have made her a little shy and she's become an extremely light sleeper and prone to nightmares.
Unlike most nonhumans who take a fully human form when they want to appear human, it’s customary for Cassidy’s family to retain their ears and tail even in human form, simply because that is their preference.
Cassidy has enhanced senses, her sight, hearing, and sense of smell being even keener than those of most dogs. She possesses no special or magical abilities aside from being able to shift forms and her canine body is that of a border collie, though just slightly larger than a normal one. She can climb trees and some walls in canine form and is a little stronger than the average human in human form, but not much. She is mush faster and has better endurance though.