
Feb 15, 2010 00:51

Canon Character Application
Player Name: Kal
Player LJ: guardian795
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle: Guardian795 (AIM)
Player Email:
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: Y

Character: Eleanor Lamb
Fandom: Bioshock
Survival Horror Test: Eleanor is a native of Rapture, born and raised beneath the sea. While Rapture may have been a nice place, once upon a time, Eleanor grew up knowing only a city of turmoil, strife, and danger. She's been kidnapped, turned into a Little Sister, has had to collect ADAM from bodies, and then had to deal with the fallout of the city, all the deaths, and having to be kept under constant surveillance while she was experimented on. She's well aware of the horrors of human nature, from both the memories in her blood and from her own personal experiences, and she's still trying to cope with them.

She can offer the setting a variety of options, from exploration to destruction and general chatter about genetic memories, and she'll be lending her hand in protecting the city and its inhabitants. She also will have a pressurized suit, to go far into the sea off the beach.

Personality: Eleanor's core is that of a sweet, gentle young girl. As a child, she was both spoiled and sheltered, brought up being told that she was important to all of Rapture and yet still not being allowed to do as she wished. She used this as an excuse to defy her mother at every turn (and cleverly), acting out, making childish comments behind her mother's back to her recorders. Even as a child, she showed signs of possibly being off the scale in terms of intelligence, judging by her scores on several aptitude tests her mother had her take. She was simple, youthful, and full of life. This carries on at the very heart of her, even as she undergoes several bouts of treatment, the first into a Little Sister, then through her therapy, and again when she was injected over and over. Her mother hoped to turn her into a selfless individual, a true Utopian, but it was Delta who brought out the strongest part of her personality.

Aged now, she is still the hopeful, passionate, and caring girl she's always been underneath the surface. Delta's impact on her life, as she watches how he interacts in Rapture, is what determines her personality at the end of the game. Playing on the "Good" ending, Eleanor comes out as a strong, clever, and whimsical young woman who is fiercely protective of her loved ones, and is probably the most intelligent person in all of Rapture. While she is not the selfless person Sofia Lamb wished her to be, she still will sacrifice anything she can to protect her father, her little sisters, and people like Grace Holloway and anyone else who has shown her father and her kindness. She is spirited, rebellious, and determined to win her freedom at whatever the cost, as well as the safety and security of her team.

While she's not directly shown in any of her treatment points, it's plausible to say that the treatments she had to undergo were massively painful, and disorienting. Gil Alexander experiences the same process she does, and he succumbs to insanity and horrible mutations. While Eleanor does not, because of Delta and her mother's impact on her, it's been explained that she often is kept sleeping, suppressed, because if she wasn't, she could very well snap. It's possible the memories floating in her system will impact her from time to time, hurting her, but not destroying that strong will she possesses even so.

Timeline: Post-Good Ending, just coming to the surface

Powers/Abilities: Eleanor is seemingly indestructible upon first glance. The Little Sisters are just the same, and the only way to kill one is to remove the slug in their body that creates ADAM in their stomachs. She still has that, of course, and so thus will be hard, if not impossible, to kill. Eleanor, over her years of treatments, has picked up a few abilities of her own that make use of the ADAM growing naturally in her stomach, and her body has also adjusted to that of a Big Sister's, which is capable to be that of a killing machine. Big Sisters can make use of several abilities, and she can as well, and even with no real "training" or practice, she's learned from the memories circling in her head how to use Plasmids and fighting strategies effectively.

The list of abilities she has as a Big Sister is as follows: (copied from Bioshock Wiki)

* Stab
* Charge
* Fire Barrage: Like Incinerate, Eleanor can light something on fire, or throw small fireballs at an opponent.
* Telekinetic Pummel: Big Sisters, and Eleanor, use this to move objects at will around them, and are capable of bending metal, glass, and other things at random. The actual attack pulls in a mass amount of objects to them, and then strike out at their opponents, dealing heavy damage.
* Drain: Eleanor doesn't use this attack much, but she will sometimes grab a Splicer, drain him dry of his energy and ADAM, killing him, and then using it for her own. She also uses this to absorb a person's memories/DNA/self into her.
* Teleport: This is used only by a few Big Sisters, but often by Eleanor. She can disappear in a blink of purple light and reappear elsewhere at will, usually to her father's side or out of harm's way. This is also used by the Summon Eleanor plasmid, which will bring her immediately to Delta's side without a moment's notice.

Other various abilities are simply those of her physical strength and prowess. Eleanor is one of the strongest characters in the game, capable of stunning even the toughest opponents and killing them quickly. She can jump to great heights, spring herself off of ceilings and walls, and is extremely agile; she can easily outrun Delta and many other people, even in a wetsuit. She also possesses a psychic link with all Little Sisters and Subject Delta, able to see through them to watch over them as their ever present guardian.

History: Eleanor was born in 1952 in the underwater city of Rapture, daughter to Sofia Lamb. Lamb was a psychiatrist brought down to Rapture to ease the people's burden and diagnose their misguided behavior when it came to their discontent. She ruled with a collectivist nature, and she passed this down to her daughter as soon as the girl was born, and even before that, in audio tapes and in frequent talks. She told Eleanor that she was special, that she would save Rapture, and that she would be the people's daughter. Despite all of this praise and coddling, Eleanor's life was small, closed, and dismal; she often went against what her mother said in order to find more about the world around her and to test her limits. She would study the other children almost clinically, like her mother, and made her own observations of her surroundings. When her mother attempted to close her away, she always tried to stay one step ahead of the game, braving new and clever methods to slip out of the house and out of her mother's gaze. She once tried playing with some of the other children, but was then scolded by her mother in favor of being taught better and more important things.

Growing tired of her cloistered life, she set new standards for herself, and began keeping an audio diary of her thoughts to distract herself from her apparent lonliness. She even tried to latch onto her mother in the few occasions she was around, but often felt like she was being held at a distance instead, and so her audio recorder became her only friend besides one other boy named Amir, whom she somewhat fancied as a small girl and thought was very personable.

Of course, her mother's influence began to grow, creating the Rapture Family, which was practically a cult designed to her collectivist goal. They treated the city like their family and encouraged others to do things for those around them instead of themselves, and their goal was to create a Utopia out of the ashes of Andrew Ryan's individualist culture. Sofia Lamb was soon put in prison - someone in their family had leaked something to Ryan - to be silenced, leaving a distraught Eleanor with Grace Holloway, the singer and owner of the Limbo Room down in Pauper's Drop. She began calling her "Aunt Gracie", and took a shine to the woman; this was her new life and she was happy with it. However, the girl was not without some modicum of insight, and she took in her surroundings very well. She began suspecting a very particular man for the imprisonment of her mother, and she soon confronted him on the subject instead of asking for the help of an adult. The man's name was Stanley Poole, a writer for the Rapture Tribune and spy for Andrew Ryan.

Afraid the girl would expose what he had done to Lamb, Poole kidnapped her and took her to the orphanage, where they were conducting experiments on the girls to turn them into Little Sisters. Eleanor suffered the same fate, becoming the first to "bond" with her partner Big Daddy, which was Subject Delta. She began to live out her days collecting ADAM from corpses, known as "angels", with Subject Delta at her side, to whom she referred to as "Daddy". No one could pry her away from her duty, and no one could reason with her; Grace, attempting to hold the girl, was sent sprawling by Delta, his protective instincts taking over. This continued until one fateful night (more than likely the New Year's Eve party of 1958), when she was attacked by several "spliced" citizens, who attempted to take her away. Delta fought them off until he was hit with a Hypnotize Plasmid, rendering him nearly useless. Sofia Lamb, fresh from prison, ordered him to remove his helmet and shoot himself in the head, devastating Eleanor.

The girl was then taken by her mother to be treated for the Little Sister condition, which proved marginally successful. Unfortunately, the slug could not be removed from her system, and so she was forced to remain as a remnant Sister. However, Lamb used this to her advantage, and planned to subject her daughter to the same experiments she had used on another, which had previously failed. Because of Eleanor's body type, upbringing, and potential as a Sister, she began to be pumped full of the ADAM of any Splicer they could find, fueling her body and mind with the memories, thoughts, and emotions of the dead. Her body could withstand the torment and pressure, and surprisingly, the torture did not send her mind into any sort of fractured state. Instead, she survived every ounce of this treatment, kept quiet and mostly comatose to allow herself to adjust.

When Jack Ryan came to Rapture, she was undergoing these treatments, and when he left and killed Atlas in the process, Sofia Lamb moved her research team to Fontaine Futuristics, where Eleanor was kept under lock and key and in a room full of video screens, where she could monitor very little of the outside world in her prison as she began to grow and change, her mother's philosophy constantly drilled into her head. She didn't remember much of her days as a Little Sister, but she remembered Delta and the bond that she shared with him. In time, she began to realize her mother's goals were close to fruition, and sent out the Little Sisters to take Delta's body to a Vita-Chamber and revive him. She urged him to find her, and sent him gifts to help him along the way, and watching as he spared their antagonists time after time, marvelling at his strength. As Lamb began to grow tired of her daughter's rebellious nature and Delta's constant successes, she eventually allowed him to get to Eleanor's cell, where she took drastic measures. She smothered Eleanor with a pillow, stopping the girl's heart long enough to sever the Sister-Daddy bond, and knocking Delta out.

Eleanor awakened and sent a Little Sister to him, getting him to help her, through the Sister, find a Big Sister suit so she could break him free. Once armed, she stayed at his side, and vowed to bring him to the surface and save him. Lamb had her followers set detonation charges in the building so it would be cast into a trench. Eleanor and Delta worked together to get to the lifeboat, allowing the Sisters to help in setting them free. She gathered them up and put them on the lifeboat, and then went to help her father balance the pressure in the building, going with him out towards the lifeboat. The final charge went off and they rushed to get out, only to run into another set of explosives. Eleanor teleported out, reaching for him in the process, but was unable to save Delta as he flew out the window and crashed into the lifeboat, speeding upwards with them to the surface. The lifeboat took on water, and Sofia Lamb (who had made her way onto the escape pod) began to drown; Eleanor gave her an air mask and let her live while she kept her father company in his final minutes. The strain on his body from his wounds and from the severed bond slowly killed him, and Eleanor absorbed his consciousness into her body and mind so that he could live within her always and guide her in a world where she will be afraid and unsure. The Sisters, freed, greet her, and she met them fondly, looking out at the Lighthouse.

Appearance: Eleanor
Her PB, Emily Browning
Big Sister suit
Final Concept of Big Sister Suit

Eleanor will be arriving with her wet suit, her needle, and something simple underneath.

Sample log entry:
You will be needed, Eleanor. One day, you will rise from the ashes of this society and save these people.

And so her new life began, left on a lab table to be rehabilitated into a new person. She was a monster, they said. She was one of those gold-eyed monsters that took the blood of the dead and called them angels. But not anymore. Lamb had seen to it that her daughter would be kept locked away and unknown again until the day would come for her to rise up. Yes, rise, like Rapture, but on the wings of a butterfly. Imago. Metamorphosis.

As a child, she remembered these meant little to her, just large words her mother used to use. But as the days passed and those words were repeated over and over again, endlessly in her head, she began to see just how she had become the caterpillar. Rough on the outside, she underwent treatment, needles stuck in her body and memories flooding her mind. She was Johnny Menkin, fisherman. She was Elizabeth Green, housewife. She was Otis Fullman, slum man. In fits of pain, she would thrash on her bed and choke on the memories flooding her, changing her.

She was Eleanor Lamb. Eleanor. Eleanor.

Some days, she forgot even that. But then the pain was drowned out by nightmares, drifting from wake and sleep at a whim. She couldn't hold on to her reality longer than five minutes, or until someone depressed a plunger. She closed her eyes and the world would turn back into dark colors, of deep midnight blue waves and silver patches of metal along the ceilings. Rapture. Rapture, city of the dead and doomed.

Eleanor slept the sleep of a monster in a cocoon of ideals. And one day, she would wake as something new and beautiful...or horrific and damning.

Sample journal entry:

I remember you, Mister Diary. You're not quite the same any longer, but neither am I. You're something new too. [A soft laugh.] I like how you've changed, though. What do you think of me? I know I'm not the little girl you met before, but a lot's happened. How do I even begin?

[She taps the screen a few times, and then makes a soft noise in her throat, like a hum.]

I know. I'll begin with Father, and tell you about the world he made for me.

*ooc, *application

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