Title: What happens In Arkham...Part 13
knives99 and
heatherhouse .
Fandom: Batman; Nolanverse
Pairing: Batman(Bruce)/The Joker
Rating: R
Summary: Bruce Wayne goes to Arkham in search of The Joker's Secrets and Identity and ends up with more then he bargined for.
Warnings: Slash, Violence, Swearing, Sex.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters and no
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Comments 24
But it's kind of inevitable if Jack keeps thinking about Bruce. Will he be wanting to know how Bruce became "like him" (omg! Bruce didn't deny that!)? What will Bruce tell him without letting him know about Batman? (lol, sounds as if he has an affair with Batman or something XD)
I also wonder what will..happen. I mean, can Bruce live without Batman, supposing this stuation is more permanent? He seems pretty happy without him now.
How sweet this chapter was! (Not the child abuse parts, but.. you know XD)
I'm glad you updated again :)
Waiting for the next chapter~!!!=///////////= (<--furious blush)
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